over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hello everyone!

As always, we'd like to hear your feedback on Mordhau - any comments, critiques, suggestions, whatever comes to mind - your input is super helpful for us in continuing development! Like usual, please keep things on-topic and be respectful to other folks :)

As for this week, again we're gonna skip meeting notes - most of our time this week was spent testing and finalizing for the update, although we have been putting in more work on maps, animations, and other long-term goals. As for the update, we expected to be done by today - unfortunately, estimates are estimates, and sometimes we're off by a bit.

We ran into a few issues with some map geometry which have been fixed, but this requires us to rebuild the HLOD (hierarchical level of detail) for a map. This needs to be done we make any 'physical' changes to a level, since without HLOD being in place, your computer renders pretty much the entire map at once and you'd get something around single-digit FPS. This takes a few days, to do, pretty much a level designer clicks a button and leaves their computer on to crunch numbers and generate the needed data.

Aside from this, we did quite a bit of testing today, and aside from a few simple issues that should be fixed, we're aiming for a release next week. This will give us enough time to do some final testing and make sure no unwanted changes have snuck into the build. We know that this update has taken quite a while, and we'd like to thank you all for your patience. <3

You can find last week's post here:

External link →
over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hello everyone!

As always, we'd like to hear your feedback on Mordhau - any comments, critiques, suggestions, whatever comes to mind - your input is super helpful for us in continuing development! Like usual, please keep things on-topic and be respectful to other folks :)

As for this week, again we're gonna skip meeting notes - most of our time this week was spent testing and finalizing for the update, although we have been putting in more work on maps, animations, and other long-term goals. As for the update, we expected to be done by today - unfortunately, estimates are estimates, and sometimes we're off by a bit.

We ran into a few issues with some map geometry which have been fixed, but this requires us to rebuild the HLOD (hierarchical level of detail) for a map. This needs to be done we make any 'physical' changes to a level, since without HLOD being in place, your computer renders pretty much the entire map at once and you'd get something around single-digit FPS. This takes a few days, to do, pretty much a level designer clicks a button and leaves their computer on to crunch numbers and generate the needed data.

Aside from this, we did quite a bit of testing today, and aside from a few simple issues that should be fixed, we're aiming for a release next week. This will give us enough time to do some final testing and make sure no unwanted changes have snuck into the build. We know that this update has taken quite a while, and we'd like to thank you all for your patience. <3

You can find last week's post here:

External link →
over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by RogueOperative_

Can we get any news on SDK?

If I'm not mistaken it was one of the Kickstarter goals that was met meanwhile more than 2 years later and still nothing. I was going through few of your last feedback posts and not a single mention about SDK, another user asking about it and no answer.

What is happening with SDK???

It should be coming right after the update - we had it working pretty much with the current patch but we figured it'd be better to just release on the new update (since we'd have to update it again). Getting it 'packaged' for a build is a little time consuming, so we can save a few weeks by just preparing for this update (which is what we've been doing).

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by iedy2345

iirc SDK is a separate release , once it's greenlighted by Epic , it will be released separately without being tied to an actual game Patch

yep, this pretty much

edit: one other thing is that it's not really tied to the game version per se, but it does matter if there's an engine mismatch - having the SDK on UE4.25 and game on UE4.21 would cause issues.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by converter-bot

200 miles is 321.87 km

wow thanks very helpful

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by PoobyStinkleferb

Please tell me the new animations are coming this patch otherwise the wait was for nothing

Some are, not all. The thing with the animations is that even though there's one set per 1h, 2h sword, polearm etc. there are a ton of individual animations for things like stab to slash combo, riposte, etc. and these animations make or break the game; they're incredibly important, and we only want to re-work them once.

I believe the polearm animations will be included, and a few other non combat ones - the rest should be coming in a later patch. We're probably gonna do an interim patch between this and the Eastern Invasion one, if for nothing other than balance changes (we know yall want more frequent balance updates) and we can probably get 'em all in by then.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Jeex_Sluzz

Suggestion: the amount of chipping on painted armor should be tied to the roughness slider.

It's a great idea, but as far as I'm aware that's not possible with the way we have things set up. The roughness slider changes how shiny the armor is, but the painted armors are a completely different system of textures. I'll ask the team about this though, in case I'm wrong.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by storm_foam

The game is sorely lacking in some very iconic simplistic weapon designs such as a completely plain wooden shaft for many polearms, a flat bar crossguard for longsword, a very angular but small early medieval spear head (ala the default shortspear head), and nice plain looking war axe and one handed axe. I'd say these weapons and many others from launch should get new customizable piece-by-piece skin sets featuring some lower class utilitarian designs rather than the endless amount of $6000+ gold encrusted gargoyles on a stick skins

Yeah, this is a good point. I'll bring it up to the team.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by zhoodar

You can add cosmetics, without being tied to an update, as soon as you are ready. This would soften the expectations of the players, especially as I understand the update was postponed only because of the map and technical issues.

We can't though, with the way we update - otherwise we would. Either way, we plan on doing more iterative updates when we can, with the engine update it was kind of an 'all or nothing' since so much of the underlying code has to change.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by DebVV

people will be disappointed when the patchie finally come after half a year (february doesnt count, that barely added anything) and we get like 4 or 5 new things, most of them variations of an armor skin we already have. Keep your expectations realistic, guys

There's more than 5 things, and they're not just reskins :)

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by FlanFearless1719

I know this is easy for the consumer to say, but do you guys think it is acceptable for mordhau to not receive an update in a bit less 5 months? you guys have 20+ devs, like cmon aha. I know that you needed to squash bugs and upgrading the unreal engine is not easy by no means, but every update takes so damn long. The next one is likely to be 4-5 months and there will be other reasons why, I really think if the game got updated more it wouldn't be as dead as it is. You guys have one of the most passionate player base I have ever seen for a game, the declining player numbers are upsetting to see.

Yeah believe me, I'm not a fan of it (and the team isn't happy about it either).

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Explorer_the_No-life

Please, don't remove flinch on kicks after end of wind-up. This will make facehugging with fast one-handers even stronger than it is now.

Nerf for chambering is also unnecessary, it is already difficult to use against competent opponent and doesn't even give much of advantage. Heck, if opponent defence isn't passed by first two chambers and then they continue to block rest of attacks, then you most likely just f**ked up your stamina game and will lose to person, who just blocks. This comes from a person, who chambers a lot.

The chamber is supposed to be a move that is less optimal than hard-reading and parrying, so we're just tweaking that a bit to make it more apparent. With a few other changes that are coming it should make the combat feel a bit more fresh.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by spitfirememes

Would you ever consider adding “noob friendly” servers? With a max lvl cap to let the new players get some experience without being stomped on.

Edit: q for dev, don’t rly care what all y’all gamers think

We plan on changing some things with soft MMR, but we won't be doing specific level-locked servers. The reason being is that a new player would have a very abrupt transition from the low-level servers into mega-sweaty unlocked ones - instead, we want to make it more of a transition with skill based matching where it's possible.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by CuddlyNoodle

A few suggestions:

  • Archer foot speed debuff when their bow is out and a few seconds after switching. The reason is to prevent archers from running away when someone closes in on them. Currently, archers are free to peck away at anyone and never have to be in any danger because they run behind team mates, rinse and repeat. You can go 40-5-20 doing this and anyone who's played against Lobster in NA east will tell you its annoying as sin. Shields only protect you so much and that doesn't address that the only counter play to this is to go archer yourself. Archery is not all that skillful so doing this peck and run away is stupid easy. I can get stupid high KD with it as well and I rarely play archer.
  • Increase arrow damage to horses or let the butcher perk increase arrow damage to horses. Or lower horse health. The amount of work it takes to kill a horse is insane, combine that with the number of horses and horse respawn timer dealing with them makes me want to blow my brains out.
  • A chat voteable team scramble. Out of everything the team stacking kills this game the most.

Not too sure about the first one, but I'm a fan of the second two. I'll forward this on to the devs :)

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Strike-Medical

being able to build on moving carts (pavises and toolbox walls only) would be a cool way of countering ballistas kinda like a moving shield

It's not possible for the buildable objects to dynamically move like this, unfortunately.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by lukemartinuk

I know very little about building maps, but will the SDK be fairly intuitive to use?

Eh, it's going to be a pretty in-depth editor, so you'll probably want to learn how to use the UE4 tools. The upside is that you'll have tons of capability with the tools, even if there's a bit of a learning curve.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRedNaxela

Personally I have two main problems

1) I find the more expensive perks are too demanding of points, taking away from the rest of the merc.

2) Often the weapons, perks, armour etc that I want to use doesn't add up to 48 perfectly, and I find myself just adding on a bandage, a shortsword or the supplied or mule perk even though I'll probably not use it and it doesn't fit the rest of the loadout.

I had an idea of instead using an incremental perk mechanic, at least for the more expensive ones where instead of spending 15 points on bloodlust to heal to full health when you get a kill, you could:

Spend 5 points to heal 33% of your health on a kill, or spend 10 points to heal 66% of your health on a kill.

More static perks like peasant, tank, dwarf etc could just remain a binary option

If this could also be applied to the cheaper perks then I think it would help solve the second issue, of leftover points by massively increasing the number of options for what to use those last 1,2 or 3 points on a merc. You could have 1 point leftover and decide to put it into fury and get a bonus 25 stamina on kill.

Yeah, these are some good points. I'll bring them up to the team :)

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Dragon_Maister

I'd agree with you entirely if we talked about a flail with a short handle, and a longer chain. But a hussite flail would mostly consist of a long shaft, and the chain was super short. The head wouldn't have too much freedom to move around with a tiny chain, and combined with a long shaft, it wouldn't be that hard to tell how far away the weapon is from hitting you.

Either way, we'd have to make the head move semi-independently, which would require a ton of time to implement. It's not a bad idea, it's just with the current state of patches taking a few millennia each, we can't devote dev resources for things that aren't super-critical.

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Antigollos

You are indies! You are giving to much details to the players! They are ungrateful rats who can't appreciate what you do! Why explaining dev circumstances or approaches etc.? come one, guys, stop licking the asses of all those little rats who never even payed the full price for your product! I am an indie dev myself and I realized one thing in the industry: DON'T GIVE DETAILS!!!! WORK HARD, PUBLISH and that's it! To much details and commitment and they tear you apart! Also, turn off the stupid unnecessary chat window which almost destroyed the game. Those rats have discord anyway. Shall they meet in their private own primitve circles. If they want to f**k up something, they can do it in there with their stupid friends. The funny voice choices are enough and one of the big USP that makes the game, except from your excellent technical game play!


To all the wise guys under 30! I would take from everyone of you kids the PC away and send you with an empty water bottle to the worst part in india or somewhere else, where you learn to appreciate life and the hard work of other people, at least! Those who have no empathy, should reconsider doing something before it is too late.

yeah no this ain't it chief

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Shefya

Make it so as a dwarf it is easier to block insane drags, because it is almost impossible to block em iunno what im doing wrong

dwarf is kind of meant to be a joke class, not sure that we're going to try to make it completely viable

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Abu_Pepe_Al_Baghdadi

I just randomly got banned playing on public Deathmatch, but I've been permamuted so I have no idea what I could've done to get a ban🤔

Sorry for the late reply - hit up a moderator on discord, and we can take a look and see what happened. We had a security breach a few days ago :(

over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Slugbait69

"We ran into a few issues with some map geometry which have been fixed,
but this requires us to rebuild the HLOD (hierarchical level of detail)
for a map."

To be fair, if it's the upcoming map Castello, we all might laugh at your face due to the fact it's meant to be just yet another simple little "Arena" style map.

That's Cortille, and no I think the issues were on either Mountain Peak or Grad.