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So for some context, I like to think that I'm not a terrible player, I have about ~250hours since Mordhau was released and played Mount & Blade Warband for more hours then I remember. Whenever I play Frontline I manage to linger in the top 5, and in duelling servers a bit lower (OCE).

I had been awake for a little while this morning before the urge kicked in to slaughter some archers and the like on Mordhau. I'm warming up on Frontlines and really getting into the mood for the day's gaming (except I suck on Crossroads). Consistently in the top 3 on the other team is a player who claims to spend most his/her time I'm the duelyard, and after a little talking I decided to migrate with them into a duel server.

I had some great duels over the next hour or so, especially now that they fixed votekicking and all those FFAing peasants can't constantly harass everyone. (Thank you to the player that took the time to show me some new skills but that's beyond the TIFU).

New match starts on Contraband and the individual I was duelling hopped off, but with newfound confidence I prowled the ruins looking for unsuspecting knights to do battle. I was getting messed up by maul spammers and rapier shield users but otherwise I was doing better than I'd ever done before, so I checked the scoreboard and looked for one of the higher level players to seek out for duels.

I found a level 70 who was happy to duel and told me he'll always be around waiting in the centre of the map, however, I had no idea what I'd just gotten myself into. We flourish and initially things seemed easy, I died but the duelist didn't do anything crazy (really just riposte and normal morphs) and I thought it was a winnable experience, so back I went! With my recently acquired knowledge on performing better accels/decels I was sure to win. Only, when we were ready once more and flourished, I was terrified by the sight of this black knight flailing around their axe in ways I had not thought possible. Every time I thought I had a handle on things I was proven wrong. I simply had no idea what was going on, and felt like I've never played a melee slasher in my life.

If 2~ hours of duelling them wasn't enough, being the overenthusiastic idiot I am, I think I have accidentally agreed to have the sh*t kicked out of me, I mean be "mentored" at around the same time for the rest of the week.

If you're reading this AE dominus, spare a fellow Knight, there is only so much pain I can handle.

TDLR; Got pummeled by a high tier player making me feel like a bot and scheduled more pummeling for the rest of the week.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by theLemurFever

I realize it is "part of the game", but I really detest the camera abuse in dueling. I'm not talking about drags / accels, but the people who flail around or run into you while staring at the ground and looking up / down on 500000 Mouse DPI. That shit only works in duels btw, on frontline your decreased control will get you 1vX-ed pretty easily imo.

mouse sens doesn't affect swing speed though, it's just a gimmick thing that isn't useful to spaz your camera out. if they're doing this they're not attacking, throw a hit at them and take the initiative