almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hello everyone!

As always, we appreciate your feedback. A lot of these comments and posts have really helped us out in terms of getting a feel for what you all would like to see added or changed! Feel free to post whatever comes to mind, and we'll be sure to take a look :)

You can find last week's post here:

External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by urban_ranger

What about changing the maul throw animation to a two-handed throw? If I were to throw a sledgehammer irl like I'm trying to kill something, I'd use both hands, winding up and throwing it from over my head, kind of the same motion as chopping wood, not tomahawking it with one hand like it was a framing hammer.

It's on our to-do list, as far as I know :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Zaxosaur

tl;dr We need Ranked 3v3s sooner rather than later and they need to have end of season Ranked Rewards or it will suck.

Ranked Duels are dead because you can go into a duelyard and fight better players, at a faster pace, on better tickrate servers. There's basically no reason to queue up for ranked duels.

Ranked 3v3s would be far more relevant. There's no easy way to find a 3v3 skirmish right now for the majority of players, and it's still a hassle for comp players to go down their friends list DMing people. Because of this, Ranked 3v3s would have a decent playerbase, but this alone isn't enough.

Actual ranked rewards would go a long way towards getting Ranked 3s a consistent playerbase. This would go along with a 3 month long season (roughly as frequent as patches lmaoo). At the end of the season, you would get ranked rewards based on your highest rank during that time.

Some EXAMPLE! rewards might be:

Bronze: 1,000 gold
Silver: 2,500 gold and 5 token
Gold: 5,000 gold and 10 tokens
Platinum: 10,000 gold, 25 tokens, and a special PLATINUM Banner
Diamond: 20,000 gold, 50 tokens, and a special DIAMOND Banner
Elite: 30,000 gold, 100 tokens, and a special ELITE Banner

What are these tokens? Tokens would be an alternate way of getting extremely costly money sink items (such as a 60k plume). For example, an Armet Plume might cost 60,000 gold OR 60 tokens. You get tokens as season rewards, and you also get 1 token for playing a ranked match, win or lose. This allows players of any skill level to get that really cool weapon skin they really wanted but didn't have the time to grind for. It will also result in much more active matchmaking, which means shorter queue times, which means players are more likely to queue up... it goes on.

Ranked 3v3s can also serve as a bridge between casual and competitive. Right now, competitive is perceived by many as this distant scene of sweaty tryhards spinning around on private servers, and there's a massive barrier to entry. Ranked 3v3s can give the average player a way to experience the competitive, teamplay oriented side of the game. Additionally, having a skill ceiling that players WANT to climb can go a long way for increasing player retention, something Mordhau currently struggles with.

Finally, and most important to me, Ranked 3v3s would be a better way to play with friends. If you don't have a private server, your only option is to go in public games and hope you can both get on the same team, and it's kind of a clusterf**k trying to find your buddies. Ranked 3v3s can give small groups of friends a way to have fun and play together against similar skill players, while unlocking cool skins and cosmetics along the way.

In summary, Ranked Rewards would complement Ranked 3v3s and improve player retention dramatically. Ranked rewards would promote playing with friends, trying to improve your gameplay, and make getting those gold sink cosmetics more realistic.

tl;dr at the top if you missed it

We're working on team ranked! And rewards are also something we want to do. We'd have to do them in a way that's sustainable - unlike CoD or other AAA titles, we're not really set up to pump out 30 new cosmetics every few months, so it'd have to be done in a way that we can keep pace with and have cool items, but not overburden ourselves.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Jamcakes_

I forgot to mention in previous feedback that the last patch was f**king superb, great job devs. I've got a couple of pieces of feedback I've been thinking about a lot recently.

  1. I feel like Team markers really need to be improved. They disappear very quickly over head in most melee fights and don't seem to line up very accurately with a teammates movements a lot of the time. Their gold colour also makes them very easily lost on the warm/sunset maps and in torch lit interiors.
  2. At the moment keeping up with all of the patch news requires trawling though the separate chat logs of multiple devs and mods which is a pretty convoluted and draining experience for fans with a continued interest in the game's future. I think a weekly/monthly dev blog that would elucidate fans to the devs intentions and future plans would go a long way towards making it easier and more pleasant for fans to keep up with and stay interested in the game's future.
  1. It's something we're aware of, and we're looking into it. Team markers aren't mega-high priority atm, lots of other UI/UX stuff that Spook is working on, but we're aware of it and we'll see what we can do :)
  2. I'm working a bit on a dev update, hopefully should have one out relatively soon. We've been slacking a bit on this front and I totally agree that having a condensed general update is superior to sifting through a bunch of different platforms or asking around to see what's coming.
almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Holy_saracen

Hello again!I have another bundle of suggestions:

  1. Add an arrow camera (like chivalry), so we can have a better idea of where our shots are going.
  2. A "play with randomly chosen loadout" button.
  3. We could use a "back" customization slot where we could carry bags, banners or flags (this might lead to A LOT of clippling issues).
  4. Add a small gold reward when winning (~75g). To prevent intentional team switching , we could disable this bonus to people that changes teams.
  5. Last but not least, I have a frontline oriented gamemode: REGICIDE.Basically each team has its own captain/king and has to kill the enemy one in order to win. Might work with the current maps (excluding Castello) but I'm not sure on how to balance map duration and spawns for each map. (Despacito already implemented a skirm version of this

Edit: as u/DrunkDwarfUK mentioned, the "REGICIDE gamemode idea" was already implemented by Despacito as a skirm mode. However, I was thinking a more casual version of it (with more players, bigger play areas and no loadout restrictions).

Thank you for taking your time reading this.

  1. Not really something we're interested in, to be honest. It's kind of cool, but not really something that we're particularly interested in. 🤷‍♀️
  2. It's a cool idea, but it would require quite a bit of work and most players would only use the feature a handful of times. If it selected from your loadouts maybe that would be more feasible, but we definitely don't have the resources to randomly equip everything on loadouts. This is a great example of something that's a good idea, but unfortunately we have to prioritize things that will have the most impact on gameplay, etc.
  3. Probably would be a lot of clipping - it's something we could look into, but we're not sure on this one.
  4. Winning should be incentivized more - we don't want to break the gold rewards as things have been set up for a roughly 1k gold / hr rate, but we do want to encourage more teamplay and objective participation. I agree, something to this effect would be great!
  5. Despacito's Captains Mode is great, and we're actually helping him out quite a bit with it. It's something that already plays really great on a casual level as well as at high-skill, so we're keeping an eye on it. The thing is though, this type of mode wouldn't be that fun with a full 64p server - the king would just hide for the entire match, and the Captains mode is super fun because it's more fast-paced, round based and works great performance wise, since there's less players. It's honestly super fun, you should try it out if you get the chance!
almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Mario543212

  • an option to save faces and apply them on loadouts
  • more beards, more hairstyles
  • money sink cosmetics for players with tons of gold
  • better progression system (more unlockables past lvl 110, etc.)
  • foreign voices
  • spectate option for top ongoing ranked games (duels/upcoming modes)
  1. you can do this by copying the face or going into the game.ini file already btw, but an easier solution could be cool
  2. true, agree
  3. yeah those are coming, as well as less expensive things for more casual folks
  4. we want to add more progression that's level based :)
  5. would be sick, the thing is a lot of attempts at this stuff can come off sounding cringe if it's "german accent in english", it's kind of hard to get that nailed down. that being said it could be really neat if done right, and also a voice line that's in a completely different language would be awesome too. Atm though we're not focusing on voices, as there's a ton of back-and-forth we need to do with actors to get a voice created and implemented into the game
  6. Could be neat, although it might have some weird effects on performance. We can look into it, but it's not something that's super high priority at the moment.
almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by BurnmaNeeGrow

let us put mercenaries into folders to sort them

we want to make folders at some point. no ETA yet because that would require a complete armory overhaul which would take a ton of time, but we want them too :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by KommandoMGS

Will there be new models for the javelins? They don't look really authentic, more like a fantasy weapon that a orc would use because of the big chunk of metal with the 10 bolts that hold it together onto the shaft, especially in compairson to the other more grounded looking weapons like throwing axes and knives. I thought they would be only placeholders, because they use the same model as the ballista bolts...

we could probably whip up a skin sometime for em, doesn't seem like it'd be the hardest thing ever

almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by A-10warthog1

Competitive team play would be nice

team ranked is something that's in development :)