almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_YOUR_LOOPS

pinging /u/Jaaxxxxon

The hivemind will probably downvote me to hell for this even though I spent a whopping 10 minutes clipping, subtitling, zooming and slowing the video. I don't care, just look at this please and punish them.

And PLEASE tell me you're thinking off adding a "recently played with" screen with a report button where you can explain your case and report these kind of people. These guys are not doing this for the first time, and this is not the first time this has happened to me. More like 100th during my 1600 hours spent on the game since alpha. You probably can't ban them entirely for such minor offenses, but you could take away their rights to speak and vote.

I was legitimately impressed by such "high level player" playing Horde like the rest of us filthy casuals. Usually they realise wessex doesn't work against great mauls, and leave promptly, so I tried to make a bit of banter asking if they're good. In a friendly sense, of course. What he proceeded to say could be taken as offense, but it went as banter for me, as my merc looks a bit femme. I thought the first votekick as a joke and that it wouldn't go through, and when it did, I assumed the one who got kicked deserved it. When it happened to me after I hadn't done nothing against any of them, that's when I decided to waste my time making this video & comment.

We'll take care of them. We usually don't allow these things on the sub (and I am going to lock the thread), so in the future please just DM a mod on discord, and they will be more than happy to take action.

In the future, we're looking into reporting features. Unfortunately, it's just not very quick and easy to implement, which is why it's been so long without them. :(