Original Post — Direct link
over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by IIMrFirefox

The 17 year old Ploomer: He goes into the character selection screen to make a new character with a weapon he just bought. He looks at the Head tab on his character loadout, beckoning him to click, irresistably empty, waiting to be filled with his ploomed helmet. He clicks and desperately scrolls down past the filthy unploomed helmets, tier 2 unvisored peasant plumes and unploomed armets

He finds himself in a familiar place, he is finally at the bottom. The ploomer gently places the cursor on the bottom most helmet, yes, the newest ploomed helmet to grace the shop. He can only imagine what this will look like with a black armour tint, a painted maximillian cuirass, his majestic shield pauldrons and all the other benefits of playing on Frontline servers for nearly 2K hours since release.


He furiously clicks to deject his hard earned gold in exchange for the newest Tier 3 plumed helmet. He rotates his character to see every possible angle of ploom his enemies will see too when he feint spams them with a rapier and shield.

He feels the peasant inside him for the last 5 minutes since the Mordhau patchie released disappear from his soul.

truly touching and enlightening