about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by NoneOfUsKnowJackShit

Joined a crossroads game and immediately got killed by a horse, so i went to get on one and saw this guy (beegnyss) at spawn killing all the horses. I'll let you read the chat and see his response. TLDR, basically he said he was a developer and that he was allowed to kill the horses. I'm not sure why they would even add the horses if they're going to pull some bullshit like this. It's not a big deal, because i dont ride the horses that much, it's more the principal of it. But for the people who bought the game and enjoy riding the horses, this kinda f**ked up. We tried kicking him, but it wouldn't allow us to call the vote because of his "Developer" status. Some players left because of it. It's a good way to get your player base to stop playing your game and switch over to your recently released competition. Anyone else deal with this kind of shit?

he's not a dev, if you've got playerlist we can MURDER

(or just do a 3 day ban for light griefing)