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Builders are actually overpowered as f*ck in this game. 3 friends and myself played probably 10 games in a row last night, never lost 1. Didn't even come close.

Enemy wagon approaching? Fortress

Holding the middle point on the field map? Fortress

Protecting 3 nobles in a house? Ultra Fortress

Even the grey wide open map no matter what part. Fortress

I say overpowered because it absolutely demands 1,2 or even 3 people to go full firebombs. When they do this though the team the builders are on just out-duel them most of the time and the guys that do manage to get through we all or most of us have smoke bombs equipped.

Since the firebombs don't actually instantly kill structures instantly 1 smoke bomb effectively negates infinite amount of firebombs thrown during the duration.

Realistically it wouldn't be overpowered but another key factor is people do not change. Just like Overwatch when someone gets comfortable with what they like. They rarely change. I saw this in Overwatch religiously and I am a former top 500 player.

I know the community doesn't see this as a problem. Nor do I really think it is a problem. But the fact that 3 people taking shots, chuggin beers laughing over discord and just building random sh*t can dominate 10 games in a row is silly.

When I say random sh*t I do mean random sh*t. I'm talking just walls placed everywhere 3 walls deep for absolutely no reason. Spiked traps everywhere facing every which way for no reason. Ballistas we'd build and just run away with randoms using them.

EDIT: thanks for the feedback guys, like a majority of you guys have pointed out. It's not an issue at the moment because nobody is doing it (stacking builders). My fear is and the purpose of this post is to bring awareness to some dev in hopes that when the age of Builders happens they address it somehow.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

it's good that they are strong. Some people are terrible at the melee combat, but can do something meaningful in a support role. We can always adjust in the future if it's necessary - the weird thing about metas in games is that sometimes it can shift without the devs touching a single line of code. If 20 toolboxes per team becomes the meta, we can rebalance them accordingly.