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Mordhau core concept (as said multiple times by the devs) was being a fun, arcade but realistic medieval combat game, with high skill ceiling and where fights look like fights.
The devs were literally telling us that the game wouldn't be like Chivalry. Which is what I would love to play and got so hyped about.

So the other day this hype suddenly came back to hit me and I tought "What happened to Mordhau?", let me take a look.

What is this?

Listening to these older dev posts, and looking at these videos from the game it looks like a serious joke.
It's honestly ridiculous. Nothing about knights facing the floor or the sky instead of their opponent, and widly swinging their arms around and their chests in the opposite direction looks like a real fight.
I'm sorry, but no one can convince me that impossible hits and swiveling heavy armored ballerinas is an intended feature of the game. Such a long developing time but the first combat they showed looked way better than what is happening now? Is this the high skill ceiling?
I came to this subreddit expecting people who shared the same initial excitement for what the games initial promise was,

but instead people are putting it off as "Don't worry, the matchmaking will keep the casual player separated from the 360-no scope-backhand-overl0rdz" like that really solves anything in the end?

I'm truly disheartened to see this.

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about 5 years ago - /u/crush_something - Direct link

Originally posted by jimykurtax

Thank you for sharing that, it's very nice to hear that they are indeed trying to fight these things

Let me elaborate: yes this is from an old build, since then there has been several changes that drastically nerfs this kind of playstyle - things like looking away from the opponent/down on the ground and successfully parrying are no longer possible, jump drags (jumping while in attack release) have been removed, drags look significantly better and so on - just a few examples but all of those you can see in this video, its actually a great example why those things have been changed.

On top of this its third person and the person playing in the video is using an FOV exploit which allows much more vision than intended, this will be fixed. Third person has been reworked recently (only in dev builds atm) to be much more in line with first person and have removed/greatly reduced extra vision that allows this kind of playstyle since you cannot play like this in first person nearly as effectively. It's not a good look but with the new third person this kind of playstyle will be nerfed into the ground.

Keep in mind high level meta is nothing like this, you cannot flail around like this as the better players will kill you with ease, note how a few people kill him who play more straight forward.

As far as exploits go, reverse overheads are not possible and spins are for the most part removed and the ones you can still do deal greatly reduced damage. There has been a few exploits throughout the alpha and almost all of them have been fixed, we have no intentions of letting the meta become some exploit fest.