over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hey all!

Like usual, we'd love to hear your current thoughts on MORDHAU - general observations, comments, questions, constructive critique, suggestions; you name it, we'd like to hear it! Staying up-to date with what you'd like to see in the game is super important for us and helps massively with continued development.

As for development notes:

With Arid, we're more or less done with all of the base art. The artists have simplified a lot of the assets, etc. to make things a bit easier and speed up development. The rest of the map needs interiors finalized, miscellaneous propping (putting a random barrel here or there, set dressing), lighting, and general cleanup. Most of everything else is done - we've done quite a bit to get the roads and terrain of the map up to par, buildings have textures and models taken care of, etc. The last things to do are to finish up the palace area, fix up a few issues and ideally, we should start playtesting around next week or the week after.

Other things for the update are some maintenance stuff and fixing a few things (party system is one addition we're working on), as well as the armory of course (which is finalized - bug testing notwithstanding). With the armory it can be shipped pretty much as-is, but Spook is looking into some more QOL things that we'll add if we have the time. If not, the armory is perfectly functional.

Female characters have their initial poses and animations in a workable state; when the workload on Arid drops down a bit, we'll transition artists to get models and textures ironed out. Right now, we've been figuring out how to take the male body and squash it in different ways to make it read as a more 'feminine' body type, and there's been some progress there. Lastly, all the cosmetics planned for the next patch will be imported into the game, and receive the backend treatment to get them all showing in-game and in the armory.

Speaking of the armory - here's a couple of clips that show off the armory in action!

That's it for this week, thanks for reading! If you'd like to catch up on our last post, you can find that (and previous posts) here.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hey all!

Like usual, we'd love to hear your current thoughts on MORDHAU - general observations, comments, questions, constructive critique, suggestions; you name it, we'd like to hear it! Staying up-to date with what you'd like to see in the game is super important for us and helps massively with continued development.

As for development notes:

With Arid, we're more or less done with all of the base art. The artists have simplified a lot of the assets, etc. to make things a bit easier and speed up development. The rest of the map needs interiors finalized, miscellaneous propping (putting a random barrel here or there, set dressing), lighting, and general cleanup. Most of everything else is done - we've done quite a bit to get the roads and terrain of the map up to par, buildings have textures and models taken care of, etc. The last things to do are to finish up the palace area, fix up a few issues and ideally, we should start playtesting around next week or the week after.

Other things for the update are some maintenance stuff and fixing a few things (party system is one addition we're working on), as well as the armory of course (which is finalized - bug testing notwithstanding). With the armory it can be shipped pretty much as-is, but Spook is looking into some more QOL things that we'll add if we have the time. If not, the armory is perfectly functional.

Female characters have their initial poses and animations in a workable state; when the workload on Arid drops down a bit, we'll transition artists to get models and textures ironed out. Right now, we've been figuring out how to take the male body and squash it in different ways to make it read as a more 'feminine' body type, and there's been some progress there. Lastly, all the cosmetics planned for the next patch will be imported into the game, and receive the backend treatment to get them all showing in-game and in the armory.

Speaking of the armory - here's a couple of clips that show off the armory in action!

That's it for this week, thanks for reading! If you'd like to catch up on our last post, you can find that (and previous posts) here.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Deargrigh

I'm still worried that the pace of development isn't good enough to stem the bleeding of active players.

Updating to a newer engine version was blamed for the previous slow pace of content updates. Now that this isn't an issue, and you have also hired more people for the purpose of speeding development, do you not worry that 4 (5?) months for one map is still a bit too long a wait?

Well, maps do take a while to get released - I wish it wasn't as long, but it is what it is. We have hired more people, and those people are helping with Mordhau currently as well - our eventual new project isn't taking up much at all in terms of dev time.

This map actually has come together quite a bit quicker than others though - before, we'd have one artist do pretty much an entire map solo, which ended up taking ages. At the time, that was kind of a necessity - in the early days for us we only had like 2 level design guys. Now, we have essentially a team of people that can knock out maps in about half the time.