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Every match in a European server I am joining now has people who have made their steam names something along the lines of anti black lives matter. Others are also peddling white supremacist agendas throughout their matches. I like playing this game, it’s good for relaxing and a bit of fun but these racists are making it not fun.

Please kick them from your matches, let them know that they are not welcome in this community. It doesn’t matter if they are people who are just ‘doing it for the lols’ or just trolling. They know what they are doing. Please kick them and report them as best as you can, heck even screenshot the chat and DM it at the MordhauGame twitter. Please don’t sit idly by and let them taint Mordhau, don’t say that you can’t do anything about them because yes of course you can. With the current events, I’d rather not see a game I enjoy thrown onto the toxic trash pile that no one plays because these bigots were enabled.

  • A concerned long-time lurker.
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almost 4 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by MERCILESS_PREJUDICE

whenever someone's being an obnoxious racist i hunt them the whole match. they're always dogshit at the game so if you just use a cheesy stabby weapon they get gimped and rage. we all have to do our part


racist people have small brain peasant energy