about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Hi everyone!

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions for Mordhau. Please post anything that's on your mind, but be sure to keep things constructive and on topic :)

Some notes from this week's meeting:

  • We talked a bit about general improvements to the atmosphere/immersion factor of the game, with some potential improvements - some animation ideas and a few other things could add some nice polish to the game.
  • We talked a bit about a potential overtime mechanic and general FL/INV balance, potential changes to make comebacks more possible.
  • We're looking to organize some feedback on localization errors, hopefully we will see some improvements soon and we'd like everyone's help when we get a better feedback system for this.
  • We are looking to potentially do another hotfix, it should be relatively minor - a few map fixes and some server stability improvements. This might help with some "ghost swings".
  • Development in progress with 1H swords animation / 2H sword animations, setup and tweaking.
  • We're looking into some changes with health regen and sprinting/jumps, instead of cancelling the regen timer, we might just severely nerf the regen rate while sprinting/jumping.
  • Investigating some crashes, and we should have fixed them for the hotfix.
  • Initial dev work on Unreal 4.25 - we're looking into how updating the engine will cause issues porting over (it always does, but it also comes with improvements). So far the art side of things looks like it won't cause too many problems, but we'll have to see how the coding side of things translates over. 🤞
  • 4.25 has some really good weather/lighting effects, we messed around with making Grad overcast, sunny/evening, night time, etc. and the initial effects with not that much tweaking showed some good promise. We haven't decided how we'll implement things exactly, but we'd like to have some time of day and weather variation on maps.
  • We're looking to "chop" some unused areas out of Castello, as well as a redesign of some key areas. This means clutter removal, widening some doorways, and a rearrangement for the front gate of the keep. This should help improve the flow of the gameplay, and cutting some unused areas + optimizations should help with FPS.
  • Marox has been working on a bunch of bugfixes and tech improvements :)
  • UI work on the upcoming armory rework :)
  • We're looking into some changes in some map design philosophy for maps that are unannounced - pretty much, we're looking to refine our 'formula'.
  • Grator is looking into a set or two of super high-end armor that will be very ornamental and very expensive >:)

And that's about it for this week! You can see our feedback from last week here:

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by ArasakaTechSupport

Fix the servers. Every single player in every US east server does not have garbage internet.

We're working on it <3

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by GreenGhost95

Please add solid color patterns to the gambesons, having forced checkered/split patterns really ruins their look in team-based game modes.

Good point, we can look into it 👍

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by jrodb92

for the love of god please fix the servers. we get hit with high packetloss everyday on westcoast NA invasion.

Yeah it's our #1 priority atm

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by -Helvet-

If I remember correctly, you've mentionned that the upgrade of the Unreal Engine to the newer version will help with the servers stability. Servers are getting hammered these days and it starting to really get in the way of the fun (being so constant). So is that statement correct?

This is actually a specific server issue we're having which will be resolved (hopefully) soon, but yes there will be some additional improvements coming with the UE4 upgrade as well.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Strider2126

I have only one suggestion

I would like to be able to get more gold. There are some cosmetics i will never get because they have absurdpy high prices

Make gold gain a bit faster or give us daily quests like kill x people with x weapon

We're going to do some more double XP events, but also with that we do want to keep some armor pieces really expensive - this makes them have a bit of player 'value' as you don't see everybody wearing them constantly. It's a fine balance we're trying to hit, and we want to make sure that good looking armor (just not maybe the most flashy stuff) doesn't take a ridiculous grind.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Prudent_Inflation505

Packet loss is out of control. Do what you need to do. Fix your code, get better servers, whatever. Game is becoming unplayable

We're doing what we can <3

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by SkinMilonov

Are you planning on adding new hairstyles and beards in the coming updates? I would very much like to see a forelock hairstyle in the game.

Will the ability to fight with a severed right arm return in a "flesh wound" state?

On behalf of the Russian-speaking players, I will say that there are enough errors in localization, but please do not touch the x+5 emotion (Секир-башка). Its translation is perfect.

P.S. I also suggest making a filter by map in the server search.

There are some more hairstyles coming with the POC models, and while we're at it we can probably make a few more that are improved quality wise over the old vanilla ones.
EDIT: Also, not sure about missing arm fighting returning, it looked pretty weird trying to read invisible punches.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Longshot4356

Hello! I come here with a hope that you will unf**k whatever there was f**ked in this combat update.




https://streamable.com/pl5cb0 https://streamable.com/vyzxfc

And many more issues regarding hitboxes in this patch

I'm level 202 , and I've played this game since day 1 and I never died to this amount ( It's much more than what I posted here) of bs like I died in this patch

Edit : For the first time I unninstalled the game simply because I am tired of dying to ghost hits and attacks that don't make contact with my model *once* .

I really want to keep playing the game , but on a duel side , dying consistently to this amount of bs is unbearable

Edit 2 : I come with some images now for extra proof that this is not some incident that happens once or twice .

https://ibb.co/zNt88p3 ( View this 2nd to see how far after the weapon went trough me I got damaged)

https://ibb.co/h7ZqPCK (View this 1 first , its a drag)

https://ibb.co/BsGm9fw (Check this one last to see the distance of which I got killed)

https://ibb.co/Zf9fMsj (Check this 1 first , last frame before I get hit)

Obviously I have seen a lot more but I can't be recording all the time , but it's very frequent

I think these have been mostly fixed with our latest hotfixes? If not let us know, tbh we've been mostly focused on trying to fix the server problems that are going on.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Igor369

They are releasing it soon.

this, next tech update (engine upgrade) should include the new armory if things go as planned

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Kodocado

A plumed variant of the regular hounskull would be sweet. Also an ETA on the next FL/Invasion map would be nice if possible.

It's unlikely we'll go back and add a plume to it, seeing as we have the pigface now.

I believe 2 maps should be coming with not the next update, but the one after in the crusader themed patch. Those 2 (Noria and a yet to be officially announced one) are both desert themed, and then we have a few maps floating around in various stages of development. With the recent additions to the team, the maps aren't being finished dramatically quicker per se, but instead more maps are in development concurrently.

A decent way to explain that is once we release this next batch of maps, we'll have other maps that are halfway done or something like that, instead of releasing a map and then starting a new one from scratch.

Dev times are sped up a bit, but you can only have so many cooks in the pot working on one map. Usually it's one level designer working on the layout and object placement, and they're being backed up by the artists who are making props and building pieces, etc.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by MedicMuffin

So with the sale going on I think it's time to bring more attention to default classes. I find the changes in their loadouts to be generally positive, but it runs into another problem with new players, especially those who might be hesitant to try their own build with how many options are available through the point system. That all said, classes could use descriptions. For example, to explain intended play styles or perks on the class. One thing I keep seeing is new players who gravitate towards default knight wondering why they sometimes lose a limb or start screaming when health hits 0, and other times they die instantly (because of headshots). Back in my first days I actually wondered the same thing, figuring it was just a game mechanic that was either random or maybe had to do with only dropping your health to 0 rather than a few points past that. It should just be mentioned that knights will enter flesh wound unless headshotted. Also random petition to rename Flesh Wound to Last Stand for the memes.

I'd also like to see e.g veteran described as the tanky heavy damage class, brigand as a bit of a glass cannon, footman as a support rat (as much as I hate dealing with this playstyle I do also find it a very good way to learn the basics of range and timing in this game, not to mention getting some early skill at hitting around your teammates) etc etc

Also, I doubt the tutorial will ever be reworked but since we already have the stupid little control guide on spawn, I'd like to see that replaced with random tooltips. Toggleable of course, but it can provide new players with useful information that the godawful tutorial doesn't e.g. chambering to counter feints since the reason for chambers is never really explained in the tutorial. There's a ton of other common mechanics that aren't explained in game that could be elaborated on with tooltips and generally make the game more accessible to new people. Additionally, telling more people about these things means more hands on these mechanics and more input and feedback. Case in point, chamber ftp would likely have been fixed much sooner if new players knew about it and used it a lot, and I've seen like 4 people use combo ftp in the last two days because noobs don't know about it.

Edit: just to include some positive feedback here, I'm happy to see that you guys are looking into bringing more atmosphere into the game, because this is one of those things that really really gets me hype and immersed in a game, and also one area I think most everyone will agree Chivalry (and Chiv 2 for those who played the recent beta) does much much better than Mordhau in. More corpses in the battlefield (Camp is the only map that has them off the top of my head, but many are in the same static position and kind of blend in with the background), maybe small piles, useable weapons sticking out of them, more general clutter and signs of fighting around the battlefield. Castello has a great look and it's scale is definitely a step on the right direction, but isn't very atmospheric because for all the space, it feels very empty. My grand hope for in game atmosphere besides map tweaks to add little stuff is to have player corpses sort of become map fixtures, getting all covered in dirt and stuff and staying on the ground for a good, looooong time. Castello would have a lot more atmosphere if I join in and see bodies littering the place from all the various pushes that occur in a match. Basically what For Honor used to do with minion corpses piling up in their lane over the course of a match. I get that Mordhau isn't going for the same cinematic flare that Chiv is famous for, but I also don't think it can hurt.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll share it with the team :)

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Trollaciousness

80 player servers should be disabled from matchmaking. These servers are too unstable with high packet loss to be enjoyable. The last few days during the sale I have noticed many new players online who are being discouraged by the server issues, and are getting a bad impression of the game due to this. I love this game and it would be a shame to miss the chance for the community to grow because of a tech issue that only occurs on the 80 player servers. We should limit matchmaking to the 48 player servers until stability is improved.

We think it actually has to do with the way matches are set up on the server. Each actual machine hosts 4 matches at the same time, and we believe it's not the match size but instead an issue with the servers dying when all matches are full. Either way we're looking into it, and hopefully we can get a fix - either on the provider's end or ours.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by DovahkiinRifleman

Sorry If I am being inconvenient by copying and pasting what I wrote in last week's thread, but I really want to know your thoughts on these: I really think you should increase the minimum amount of players to 64, or replace the 80 player servers with 64 ones because 80 players is just too much (packet loss) and 48 seems to hardly be enough. 64 players is a great middle ground and I do think it should be implemented in the game.

Also the italian leg harness (thanks for adding it, by the way) seems to be too thick if compared to how it was in real life, so would you guys make them thinner like you did to the gothic leggings?

At last but not least, I have played a bit of Chivalry 2 (don't worry, I mostly prefer Mordhau lol) and there is one feature in terms of animation that I personally would love to see in Mordhau: grip change based on swing direction in polearms. For example: when you swing a polearm from the left to the right in Chivalry 2, the character puts his left hand in front of his right hand on the shaft. This is a known historical technique, as far as I know, and as polearms are already getting reworked animations... You get the idea.

We ran a poll a while back which barely favored 48/64 over 48/80, but I think you're right on the fact that the 80p servers are pretty scuffed. Maybe it's time for another one?

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Salazars_Pizzeria

Please for the love of god at least consider some cosmetic only patches every now and then.

And on the note of cosmetics, seeing as the prices continue to gradually(and sometimes arbitrarily) increase with every patch, would it not make sense to by some way increase the gold gain to keep up with the prices? Or at least more significant rewards for points.

Us patching only for cosmetics is counter-productive; when we release an update it takes a considerable amount of time bug fixing and testing, and we can't just add cosmetics to the current patch and then keep working. How our release schedule works right now is that we plan cosmetics for specific updates, and those updates come once we reach internal milestones.

As for gold, we plan on doing a lot more 2X xp/gold events, but we can take a look and see if there is some inflation going on with item prices as well.

about 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Bobcheese39

Hey guys, looks like a lot of good stuff is on the menu, looking forward to the next progress update!

  • Are there any plans for another dev stream? Showing WIP content, or even just some behind the scenes of what goes into Mordhau would be awesome. community engagement on twitch can be a beautiful thing, and the last was a welcome sight for sure! A great example of this is Warframe, they have weekly dev streams and half of it is just them goofing with the game or the community, and it really adds another level to the game and engagement.
  • I think a nice small feature would be to combine certain voicelines with emotes, or vice versa. for example, when you battlecry, also do the cheer emote. 'Yes' do the thumbs up, 'No' do the thumbs down. Have it toggleable so sweats can turn it off, although maybe people who would be bothered by it don't use voicelines anymore. I think it would add to the immersion even more.
  • My third point from the last post still remains the same.

I can already picture a night mode of camp - the sky lit up by flaming trebuchets, torchlight glinting off the sweat from a naked maul man surfing in the river...

We plan on dev streams before each major update! Warframe has a much larger staff and they can afford to have people do this, we really can't spare the manpower - they have 200 devs, we have like 20. Since we're remote as well, scheduling these is a pain. Weekly streams probably wouldn't be possible. :(

That could be neat, we can look into it in the future. TBH that's pretty low priority but if we end up reworking any of that code, we could potentially look into it.