over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Happy Holidays!

As usual, please let us know any ideas you may have - feedback, suggestions, constructive critiques, and anything else that comes to mind! Also, try to keep smaller suggestions here, as they tend to clutter up the rest of the sub :)

As for this week's meeting, it was pretty short as quite a few devs were off for the holidays, so it was mostly housekeeping. No real notes, but we're keeping an eye out our recent changes, and taking your feedback into consideration for updates coming in '21.

Last week's feedback can be found here:

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Also, side note: apologies for not responding to quite a few things on last week's post - PC decided to kick the bucket, so I was scrambling around town trying to scavenge enough parts to make a new one. That being said, I'll be bundling last week's and this week's feedback into our meeting for next week, so don't worry <3

over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Sir_Blasto

Hey Jax,


I was doing some digging and it seems like the pings listed on the server browser don't match up with what they are in game, at least for most of the NA servers.


I'm in Houston and it's been a little frustrating as of late because it seems like the only servers that are populated are Chicago servers, so I'm playing at 70+ ping. I was looked through most of the server IP locations on Battlemetrics to find the Wichita (are these new?) and Dallas servers.


With me being in Houston, you'd think all of the Wichita/Dallas servers would show towards the top with the lowest pings, but they don't. All of the Chicago servers show as having the lowest ping and all of the servers closest to me show as having the highest pings. A few of my friends who are in Texas (SAT and Dallas) are having the same issue.


But, when I join one of these servers in game, my ping is a third of what the server browser lists. It seems like the pings listed in SB are all the opposite of what they should be, so is it possible the IP addresses are mismatched or are pulling from a central location? Also, the lowest ping servers for me are constantly East as well. For example, Moon 1 is in Ashburn, VA but shows as my lowest ping server.


I'm assuming most people pull up the SB and join the lowest ping servers in their region which are listed at the top, so it seems only natural that the Chicago servers are constantly full for players looking NA Central. Not sure if you guys are aware of this, but wanted to bring it up because it could make a big difference for players experiencing the same frustrations.



Your friendly neighborhood Blasto


Edit: Formatting

didn't get around to posts really from this week, but just for the record, we're looking into it. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Igor369

rip high levels who still suck/grinded on horde.

it's probably going to be based on a soft MMR, not level :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Outlaw_Cheggf

I hope a part of the armory rework is showing hidden information only visible in patch notes like the heavy weight debuff and extended parry windows.

Right now the armory is super hard-coded, so we can't add anything like that. The new UI should give us the ability to do a lot more with it. :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by Janamejay

Have you considered night time maps? In Invasion, specifically. I've been asking people their thoughts on it in chat, and the response so far has been very positive. The most common suggestion I got was to make them dark, so you need to rely on torch light to fight.

super late response but we are planning on doing it at some point.

two points

  1. actual night would not be fun, you'd just get teamkilled and run into walls. it works in like tactical shooters (think EFT) but in a melee game we don't have night vision, and the game is so reliant on visual cues that any actual night map would be an insta-skip from the community after 2 weeks
  2. from my understanding, on the technical side we'll have to turn the sun into a moon and change the color of the lighting to make it seem like it's dark, essentially. that's okay because we can keep things bright enough (full moon IRL after you've adjusted lets you see really well, actually) but we'll still be able to sell the illusion.
    (I could be completely wrong on this one, but I remember something along these lines from a dev meeting we had ages ago.)
over 3 years ago - /u/Jaaxxxxon - Direct link

Originally posted by XellianTheDong

Will there ever be any nerfs to the Mini Ballista? there's no way to parry it, and it feels like a medieval artillery gun you can just set up in spawn and mow everyone down with zero repercussions.

I think we need to add more to the toolbox before we can look at nerfing the ballista. Right now it's one of the only actual fun things you can do with the toolbox.

Sure, barricades are very helpful but nobody gets excited to build walls in Mordhau :D