over 1 year ago - Dejan - Direct link
​ Beta v1.2.1 (06/07/23)
Please note: Minor updates made to the Beta version of the game will from now on also increment minor versions. If you opted into Beta v1.2.0, you will automatically download the new Beta v1.2.1. This means that you will only be able to access the latest Beta version and cannot revert to an earlier version of an active beta. This was effectively already the case before this point. The versioning will simply serve to communicate a change more clearly.

Singleplayer ​
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering Custom Battle.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while loading a save if the player was involved in an encounter that had ended.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during a conversation with a shop worker.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when joining an army after a conversation about joining the kingdom.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on an ownerless party in the settlement menu.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the launch on Windows 7.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the Support Kingdom or Create Kingdom quests timed out.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the party roles to be removed when moving companions on the party screen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "forcing villagers or notables to give the player goods or troops" actions from starting a fight.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the formations to widen and get placed incorrectly when the player was assigned as their captain.
  • Fixed a bug that caused besiegers to be displayed as defenders on the settlement tooltip.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented all weapon racks from being highlighted in the training field.
  • Fixed a bug that caused settlement militia parties to stand around settlements instead of residing in them.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented newborns from being born due to dead clan members being counted towards the clan limit.
over 1 year ago - Piconi - Direct link
Beta v1.2.2 (21/07/23) Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when buying the fourth workshop.

  • Fixed a bug that caused AI cavalry attacks to be less accurate.
  • Fixed a bug that caused party animation-related issues on the campaign map, such as parties having a moving animation while standing still.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to assign party leader heroes to alleys.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the battle simulation type to be "Siege Battle" instead of "Field Battle" when sallying out or attacking the besieging army.
  • Fixed a bug that caused companion’s party roles to be removed when moving them on the party screen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from selecting any conversation options in the map conversation menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused difficulty options to be reset when opening the Campaign Options menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parts of dialogue lines to disappear.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented attacker parties from donating troops and prisoners to a newly conquered settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused nobles to disappear if they changed their AI behavior while besieging a settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented kingdoms without settlements from being destroyed on old saves.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented bandit troops from consuming food in your party.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Beast Whisperer” perk to give unobtainable horses to the player.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect army cohesion boost value to be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Wind Winder” perk to apply its bonuses to all ranged troops instead of just those that use crossbows.

  • All banners that provide damage bonuses against mounted troops now include "melee damage" in their description. This includes “Pike Wall”, “Boar”, “Horse Bane” banners, and alike.
  • Changed the Firebrand’s perk effect which reduces the influence cost to initiate kingdom decisions from -50% to -25%.
  • Reduced the memory usage of longer gameplay sessions.

Multiplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred due to a siege ladder cache corruption.

Modding Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a town of a modded custom culture.
over 1 year ago - Piconi - Direct link
Beta v1.2.3 (04/08/23) Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred randomly while entering missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when quitting during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a save that contained crafting orders which used deleted crafting pieces.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in old saves due to the kingdom destruction mechanic.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading older saves.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Need help with outlaws" quest was active.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a hideout while having the game language set to Chinese.
  • Fixed a bug that caused agents to stand still and not interact with the environment and enemy agents at the beginning of missions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the agents` melee combat ability to be significantly reduced and thus not be able to defend themselves properly due to their inability to correctly identify if they are within the opponents’ attack range.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Circle Formation arrangement drawn and shown in the order UI to be executed incorrectly, preventing tighter Circle Formation with more inwards depth/ranks.
  • Fixed a bug that caused agents to randomly change blocking direction during melee fights.
  • Fixed a bug that caused notables and governors to leave their settlements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused disbanded parties to join armies instead of disbanding.
  • Fixed a bug that caused dialogue errors due to the usage of misplaced and duplicate animation tags.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the castle owner's name to change in the menu when entering another noble's encyclopedia entry.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the last seen entry to be broken in the Russian language.
  • Fixed a bug that caused bandit prisoners to vanish if you chose to fight them but they surrendered.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tavern keepers to suggest characters without appropriate skills when asked about caravan leader candidates.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Mounted Archery" perk to remove the "can't be used on horseback" icon from items in the inventory UI.
  • Fixed a bug that caused dialogue to be stuck for "Purchase Stolen Goods" and "Lord Wants Rival Captured" quests.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the rival gang henchman to be recruitable after the fight in the “Rival Gang Moving In” quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all companions to have the quest target markers in the mission.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Ironman mode to not affect the game.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the party speed change to appear positive instead of negative in the popup when recruiting troops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the barter offer bar to not be filled properly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the same popup query to appear more than once.
  • Fixed a bug that caused multiple conversations to be initiated between the player party and the enemy parties if they were all in the same location.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the enemy parties to encounter the player party again after the enemy agents fled from the battle mission.
  • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate notifications when the player abdicated the throne
  • Fixed a bug that caused crafted item weight and handling parameters to be displayed incorrectly on the crafting popup screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused heroes to be assigned to the wrong formations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Experienced Smith” perk to give an incorrect chance boost for crafting a “Fine” quality item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the banner-bearing agents to spawn without a one-handed weapon equipped.
  • Fixed a bug that caused rain to pass through roofs.
  • Changed “Legendary” and “Masterwork” crafting requirements:
    • “Legendary” items can only be crafted from crafting parts with a combined average tier of 4.5 and higher.
    • “Masterwork” items can only be crafted from crafting parts with a combined average tier of 3.5 and higher.
    • Slightly increased crafting chances for “Fine”, “Masterwork”, and “Legendary” items if the crafting difficulty requirements are met.
    • Lowered the “Master Smith” perk effect to 7.5% chance to craft a “Masterwork” quality.
  • Breaking out from siege will now always be available instead of being available only for the commander of the siege.
    • If the player is in an army upon breaking out from a siege, the player will lose relations with the army leader and army members.
  • Reduced spacing of troops in the Square Formation to improve its effectiveness against cavalry charges.
  • Agents that follow another agent now consider their target's velocity and decide to run instead of walking more often.
  • Mounted and on-foot captains are now by default auto-assigned to mounted and on-foot formations, respectively. They can still be manually switched to any formation.
  • It is now required to confirm unsaved changes in the party screen before starting a conversation with a companion.
  • Bandits that are inside a nearby hideout will now be counted as quest progress for the “Landowner Needs Help with Brigands” quest.
  • Changed the Arcor`s weapons in Custom Battle.
  • Removed references of obsolete kingdom policies.
  • Improved and fixed various translations.

Multiplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred while joining the Siege mode.
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred when saving or loading taunts.
  • Fixed a bug that caused miscalculations of gained/lost MMR after ranked games.
  • Fixed a bug that caused unintended colors to be used for morale stars.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the morale arrow to not have an animation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to be stuck on the “Please Wait” screen when logging out and in quickly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some Taunts to not play the correct preview animations.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed a non-leader party member to cancel the matchmaking queue.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented items from being unequipped in the armoury.
  • Fixed a bug that blocked the player movement input when opening the Taunt radial menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the loadout screen to be locked if dying while having the Taunt radial menu open.
  • Players that have a throwable weapon can now block with a shield without getting staggered. Trying to throw the weapon will, however, still stagger you.
  • Increased the stagger arc for archers, making it easier to be triggered.
  • Added a tooltip to the Taunt radial menu explaining why specific Taunts cannot be used.
  • Added previous default cheers as free Taunts.

Both Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused combat shouts to be unusually loud and their volume unchangeable.
  • Increased the animation speed of pushing the ladders.
  • Changed the threshold value which determines if the ladder is pushable when there are troops climbing on it (according to the ladder length) - giving players and AI more time to push the ladders.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred on modded scenes due to a limit on the number of entities used.
over 1 year ago - Piconi - Direct link
Beta v1.2.4 (28/09/23)
The Multiplayer lobby has been opened on Beta alongside a number of servers - allowing you to test the balance changes mentioned below. We’re very much looking forward to your feedback! Please share it with us in the v1.2.4 Balance Changes[forums.taleworlds.com] feedback thread.

Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when retrieving revenue from a village during the Revenue Farming quest while in an army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to crime rating changes with an eliminated kingdom.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the governor changed.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the last enemy troop was killed in a battle.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking on the same frame where the conversation loads.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the conversation in The Retreat scene.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when exiting the game during a mission.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when canceling the traveling process of a hero.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after rendering a thumbnail in a mission.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the world map due to quest heroes not being correctly deleted.
  • Refactored the map and siege events, fixing many bugs in the process:
    • Fixed a bug that caused never-ending sieges.
    • Fixed a bug that caused parties to get stuck in an encounter if one of the parties had changed factions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused mercenary parties to indefinitely continue their current action after their contract had ended.
    • Fixed a bug that caused player or AI parties to indefinitely continue their current action after changing factions.
    • Fixed a bug that caused parties to attack their own settlements after having their diplomatic stance with the target settlement changed.
    • Fixed a bug that caused your party to be kicked out of a settlement due to unrelated diplomacy changes.
    • Fixed a bug that caused your party to get stuck in an army whose leader changed factions while raiding a village.
  • Fixed a bug that caused input visuals on the Options screen to be invisible before launching a game mode (Campaign/Sandbox/Custom game).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to be charged twice for Party screen changes (upgrade/recruit) if engaged in a conversation.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Loading screen from absorbing inputs, allowing the player to click on background buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tooltips on query popups to be invisible.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to remap keyboard buttons to controller buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Clan screen's renown bar to be half full after just reaching a new clan tier.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Banner Bearer troops from having banner icons above them.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the interaction texts to disappear if you moved while having the radial menu open.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the machine deployment UI to be active on the campaign map during the Keep Fight siege phase.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the party sizes on the army overlay from updating after AI parties recruited new troops.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented clan members from regaining stamina while staying in settlements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused nobles in the keep to sit in the air.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the square formation to get disrupted when issuing the "Face the enemy" order.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troops to wait outside the castle during sieges unintentionally.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the clan member from leaving the settlement when sending them to resolve an issue or when creating a caravan via quick talk.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to keep your workshop even when joining a faction that is at war with the workshop settlement’s faction.
  • Fixed a bug that caused villagers and militia to join the battle between the player’s party and bandits if the battle occurred near the village.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented face and body animations from being played in missions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some crafting items to turn into trash while loading a save.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Sharpened Tip” and “Sharpened Edge” perks from having an effect in combat.
  • Fixed the incorrect description of the "Picked Shots" perk.
  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred due to too long log files.
  • Re-introduced the Danustica unique town scene with many major bug fixes.

Multiplayer Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the Stomp taunt to be usable while mounted.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Map Downloader from displaying custom maps. Maps should be from now on located under the “Multiplayer/SceneObj” module.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Clan information in the Lobby from being updated correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Taunt animation sounds from playing.
  • Adjusted the Taunt prices to 500 (common), 750 (rare), and 1000 (unique).
  • Adjusted the riding skill of all classes across all modes both for the Player characters as well as Troops in Captain mode:
    • [Class]: [Player character] - [Troops]
    • Light Infantry: 40 - 25
    • Shock Infantry: 40 - 40
    • Light Ranged: 40 - 50
    • Skirmisher: 40 - 50
    • Heavy Infantry: 50 - 60
    • Heavy Ranged: 50 - 75
    • Light Cavalry: 150 - 200
    • Heavy Cavalry: 150 - 250
    • Horse Archer: 150 - 250
    • All Khuzait Player characters and Troops have an additional 25 bonus Riding skill.
  • Re-introduced dismount combat effects and adjusted dismount resistances.
    • In order to dismount a player you must use the appropriate weapon and deal greater damage than the dismount resistance value of their class:
      • Light Infantry: 25
      • Shock Infantry: 30
      • Light Ranged: 30
      • Skirmisher: 35
      • Heavy Infantry: 40
      • Heavy Ranged: 35
      • Light Cavalry: 50
      • Heavy Cavalry: 70
      • Horse Archer: 70
      • All of the Khuzait Infantry have an additional 10 bonus resistance.
  • A dismount tag has been added to several weapons which can be obtained through perks listed below. Some weapons dismount the enemy with swing while others with thrust attacks.
    • Empire
      • Menavlion Infantry: Longer Menavlion
      • Courser: Cavalry Spear
      • Cataphract: Spearhead
    • Vlandia
      • Voulgier: Billhook
      • Vanguard: Cavalry Spear
      • Knight: Lancer
    • Battania
      • Savage: Hammer
      • Oathsworn: Cavalry Breaker
      • Mounted Warrior: Line Breaker
    • Sturgia
      • Berserker: Two Handed Maul
      • Varyag: Cavalry Breaker
      • Druzhinnik: Lancer
    • Khuzait
      • Spear Infantry: Cavalry Breaker
      • Nomad: Line Breaker
      • Lancer: Glaive
    • Aserai
      • Skirmisher: Shield and Spear
      • Guard: Bardiche
      • Jawwal: Bamboo Spear
      • Mamluke: Lancer
  • Adjusted the damage and speed of several horses:
    • Empire War Courser: Increased charge damage from 6 to 7
    • Khuzait Tarpan: Increased charge damage from 4 to 6
    • Khuzait Makeb: Increase charge damage from 7 to 8
    • Khuzait Steppe Tough Horse: Increased charge damage from 4 to 5
    • Aserai Barb: Increased charge damage from 6 to 7
    • Khuzait Steppe Horse: Increased speed from 173 to 177
  • Khuzait Ild
    • Increased Swing Damage from 57 to 64
    • Increased Thrust Speed from 90 to 93
    • Decreased Thrust Damage from 36 to 3
  • Khuzait Heavy Ild
    • Increased Piercing Damage from 35 to 38
  • Nordic Shortbow (used by Sturgia Hunters)
    • Increased damage from 42 to 45
  • Raider Axe
    • Increased damage from 75 to 78
  • Imperial Heavy Axe
    • Increased length from 71 to 82
  • Highland Axe
    • Increased damage from 75 to 77
  • Aserai Axe
    • Increased damage from 71 to 75
  • Renamed the bows given by the Steppe Bow Khuzait class’ individual perks and slightly modified their statistics.
  • Changed some weapon pieces used by the Battanian Long Spear, Khuzait Long Spear and Khuzait Spear.
  • Renamed 3 spears (Khuzait Long Infantry Spear, Sturgian Long Infantry Spear, Battanian Long Infantry Spear) provided with the Cavalry Breaker perks and slightly adjusted their statistics.
  • Sturgia Berserker
    • Armor increased from 2 to 7
  • Sturgia Varyag
    • Armor increased from 42 to 45
  • Vlandia Sergeant
    • Armor decreased from 42 to 40
Perk Adjustments
  • Adjusted the Full Barding perks.
    • Increased Khuzait Full Barding perk armor from 24 to 26
    • Increased Sturgia and Aserai Full Barding perk armor from 26 to 28
    • Sturgia Druzhinnik, Aserai Mamluke and Khuzait Lancer Full Barding perks now reduce the ranged damage dealt to the horse by 25%
  • Increased the Hunter perk bonus from 50% to 60% (damage to mounts).
  • Added Western Lance and removed Vlandian, Sturgian, Aserai Heavy lances from the Tournament Master perk weapon pool.
  • Renamed the Vlandia Vanguard Half Barding perk to Barding.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Mobility perk for Khuzait ranged infantry to be applied while mounted as well.
Captain Mode Changes
  • Decreased the Shield Strength Modifier which applies to all troops from 50% to 25%, making it easier to break shields.
  • Removed the Aserai Spear from the Aserai Jawwal troop equipment pool. They are now all equipped with the Aserai Long Spear.

Both Changes
  • Increased the tendency of infantry troops to choose the attack direction which would cause the most damage to the enemy.
  • Increased the offensive tendencies and reduced the defensive behavior of infantry troops against cavalry.
  • Updated the targeting calculation of infantry troops against cavalry, improving their decisions on who to target.
  • Revisited the spear-bracing behavior of infantry troops to address several issues.
  • Slightly increased the cavalry’s tendency to switch to a spear when charging.
  • Modified the base damage of all staggering animations from 3 to the following values:
    • Kick: 2 Damage
    • Small Shield Bash: 1 Damage
    • Large Shield Bash: 2 Damage
    • Two Handed Melee Bash: 2 Damage
    • One Handed Melee Bash: 1 Damage
  • Reduced the Head and Neck pierce damage multiplier from 2.0 to 1.7 for all melee thrust attacks.
  • Added previous default cheers as free Taunts.
  • Introduced drastically increased attack penalties for non-cavalry troops using mounts.
    • Penalties are calculated using the Riding skill of each troop. They’re most pronounced when the Riding skill is 0 and disappear at and above Riding skill 100.
    • A 20% penalty on both melee and ranged parameters listed below is applied at 0 Riding skill (with the exception of the Ranged accuracy penalty which starts at 40%). These penalties are then scaled down as the Riding skill rises towards 100.
      • Melee: Decreased attack swing and thrust speed.
      • Ranged: Decreased reload speed, readying speed, accuracy.
  • Reduced the minimum amount of damage required for a mounted charging horse to knock down a player from 13 to 10.
  • Adjusted several shield damage multipliers:
    • Maces (blunt damage): Increased from 0.5 to 0.7
    • Swords (cut damage): Decreased from 1.0 to 0.7
    • Ranged weapons:
      • Javelins: Increased from 0.25 to 0.50
      • Throwing Axes: Decreased from 1 to 0.6
      • Bows and Crossbows: Increased from 0.1 to 0.15
  • Javelins
    • Increased ready speed from 0.650 to 0.800
    • Increased release speed from 1.050 to 1.200
  • Throwing Axes
    • Increased ready speed from 0.650 to 0.750
    • Increased release speed from 1.000 to 1.200
    • Reduced inaccuracy penalty from 5.0 to 2.0 (results in greater maximum accuracy)

  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the Cloth Editor if the cloth simulation wasn’t enabled in the config.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if a mod changed the maximum number of workshops that a player could buy through the DefaultWorkshopModel.
  • Removed the ConsiderMapEventsAndSiegesInternal function and created the PartyDiplomaticHandlerCampaignBehavior class. The effects of diplomatic changes can now be controlled via the latter class.
  • Fixed several issues related to the moddability of reloading ranged weapons.
  • Allowed the defining of class divisions with no perks.
over 1 year ago - Piconi - Direct link
Beta v1.2.5 (23/11/23)
Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to the new notable workshop owner selection algorithm.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to a deleted crafting template.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when receiving vassal offers from eliminated kingdoms.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the “Rival Gang Leader” issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when speaking to a noble on the world map about sending a companion to resolve their "Lord Needs Horses" issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the conversation with the pupil in the “Lord Needs Tutor” issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning a companion to an issue quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when ending a map event due to destroyed kingdoms.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while updating the siege engines on the world map after a mission.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when moving troop sliders during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to troops teleporting to positions that had no proper navmesh set.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when rearranging mods in the launcher.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when using "campaign.declare_peace" and "campaign.declare_war" cheats in the clan screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player's family to always have a different hair color than the player.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented parties from attacking the enemy besiegers when the player sallied out from the settlement.
  • Fixed a bug that caused prisoners to disappear from the settlement overlay menu after leaving the dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug that caused crafted items to turn into trash.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from choosing younger siblings as heirs.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Coming of Age" notification and cutscene from appearing for initial siblings.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the party size to be shown differently during party creation on the Clan tab and the Party screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a wrong distribution of attribute points when spawning a new wanderer.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a companion release notification to be displayed even though no peace was declared between the minor and player factions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a kingdom to pay millions in tribute to reach peace.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the quest caravan to select a new destination after a battle during the Escort Caravan issue quest.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented parties from being disbanded.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the crafting order maker to be unsatisfied even with a sufficient quality crafted item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused discrepancies in items’ stats when comparing items crafted in Free Build mode and those made as a crafting order.
  • Fixed a bug that caused nobles to always die when knocked out during the prison break.
  • Fixed a bug that caused troops to attack from both siege lanes even when their numbers weren’t sufficient.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the culprit to be sent to a settlement during the “Family Feud” issue quest if you got defeated by a party.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the name of a conversation partner to be unclickable.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the caravan party from disbanding if its target city was under siege.
  • Fixed a bug that caused under-construction siege engines to be broken on the campaign map instead of those that were broken in the siege ambush mission.
  • Fixed a bug that caused defender troops to teleport outside the castle when the initial battle tactic was applied by the AI during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused attacker troops to teleport to castle gates and siege ladders when the initial battle tactic was applied by the AI during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented troops from detaching from their formations to siege engines and archer positions when the mission started.
  • Fixed a bug that caused floating precision errors when troops teleported right on top of the deployment boundary by improving related checks.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the story mode heroes to initially have zero or wrong skills.
  • Settlement Garrison Balance Adjustments
    • Improved the army AI garrison donation formula. Parties will now donate troops to newly conquered towns and castles based on their strength ratio in the army. This will result in newly conquered settlements having more garrison troops.
    • Newly conquered settlements will now instantly get militia based on the Daily Militia Expected Change with a minimum number of 30 units.
    • Reduced the settlement defender simulation advantage by 30%.
    • Improved the settlement tooltip to show the correct values of the army and party troop counts.
  • Troop AI Improvements
    • Troops and characters with higher fighting skill levels now fight notably better than lower-level troops. This was achieved by expanding the available AI’s ability range in order to better map the AI troops’ given fighting skills to the AI fighting level used by the troops.
    • AI tournament participants now become progressively better at fighting by making smarter decisions in noninitial rounds. Fights will therefore become increasingly more challenging as the rounds progress, making winning them meaningfully more difficult.
  • The siege engine redeployment process will now take some time like the initial construction (shorter).
  • Added a version check that prevents loading of saves that were made with newer versions of the game.
  • The “Prodigal Son” issue quest now gets canceled if you join a new faction that is at war with the quest giver’s faction.
  • Optimized performance of the ranged agents’ aiming routine.
  • Reduced memory usage in bigger scenes.

Multiplayer Dedicated Custom Server files for Beta have been made available on Steam. Happy testing!

  • Fixed a server crash that occurred at the end of the match.
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred after failing to connect to a custom server.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented damage speed bonuses from being correctly calculated.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some perk effects from being applied.
  • Fixed the incorrect reload speed value of "Replenished" and weapon damage bonus of "Strong Arm" perks according to their descriptions.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the map version on the Map Downloader popup from being correctly displayed, leading to false warnings.
  • Fixed a bug that corrupted the terrain visuals when re-downloading a scene with the Map Downloader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused spectators to be listed as team members on the HUD.
  • Increased dismount resistances of cavalry classes:
    • Light Cavalry: Increased from 50 to 75
    • Heavy Cavalry: Increased from 70 to 85
    • Horse Archers: Increased from 70 to 80
  • Only the following weapons now have the ability to dismount players:
    • All two-handed axes (including alternative usage axes)
    • All two-handed maces
    • Glaive (heavy and normal) and Longer Menavlion
  • Swapped the Sturgia Heavy Cavalry (Druzhinnik) "Long Axe and Shield" perk with "Unbreakable". The new perk features are:
    • Stronger shield
    • 15% Melee and Ranged damage reduction
  • Imperial Heavy Axe:
    • Decreased damage from 88 to 82
    • Decreased length from 82 to 69 (reverted v1.2.4 change)
  • Updated the matchmaking rules to support populating existing games to full capacity during the warmup phase.
  • Added the ability to mark custom servers as favorites.
  • Added the ability to set tickrate for dedicated custom servers using the "/tickrate" command line argument or the "set_server_tickrate" console command.
  • Players now need to download all missing maps being played on the server via the Map Downloader before joining.
Both Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to cancel the reload animation for bows and throwing weapons.
  • Introduced further ranged weapon penalties to non-mounted troops when riding. If a troop has 0 riding skill, the below penalties will apply. These are then reduced and eventually removed when a troop reaches 100 or above riding skill.
    • Increased reload speed penalty and weapon readying speed penalty from 20% to 30%.
    • Increased the time needed to achieve maximum accuracy by increasing the penalty from 20% to 30%.
    • Increased the weapon inaccuracy multiplier from 40% to 1500% which will significantly widen the crosshair.
  • Increased the animation speed of getting up after being dismounted. You can now also start blocking at an earlier point while getting up.
  • Updated various localizations and conducted minor text fixes.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred on the resource browser.
  • World Map Moddability
    • Removed the hardcoded texture (main_map_snow_flowmap) previously required for Dynamic Campaign (weather) Effects (located in the Terrain Property Browser) on the world map. It is now selected from the editor as a regular texture. Modders now no longer have to use the asset override mechanism (by having the same flowmap texture name as the native flowmap texture) to add a snow layer to the world map - instead, it's recommended that you use your own texture with a different name and select it in your custom world map scene.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented modded campaign maps from using high-resolution heightmaps. A low-resolution main_map_physics_heightmap texture is not required for campaign heightmaps and custom worldmaps can now be used without the Aurelian’s MapFix mod if saved as Main_map (as opposed to modded_main_map).
    • Fixed a bug that prevented world map floras from appearing. Previously, you had to enter and exit a mission scene to force the flora to appear.
    • Added modding support for the world map dynamic atmosphere.
    • Added modding support for color grade grid for the world map.
    • Added modding support for the battle scene index grid for the world map.
    • Added visualization sliders to the editor for easier tweaking of the world map snow map.
    • Added a console option to reduce framerate when the editor is not focused.
    • Improved layer editing and visualization in the Editor.
    • Overall bug fixes.
  • Assertions will now be shown in the Editor Console once inside the "Editor Mode".
  • Added bulk shader compilation for mods. It's accessible via the “Compile Shaders” checkbox while publishing the module using the “Publish Module” functionality in the editor. It allows you to compile & ship the unique material shaders in your modules. This prevents long initial mod loading times.
  • Added the ability to define and use your own decals.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented texture move operations.
over 1 year ago - Dejan - Direct link
Beta v1.2.6 (30/11/23)
Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the battle due to a bug in the range calculation of units.

  • Fixed a bug that enabled low-level troops to block a number of consecutive attacks from different directions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze after pressing the Auto-Deploy button during the Order of Battle phase.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented you from targeting castle gates, siege engines, and alike with an attack order.
  • Fixed a bug that caused crafted item’s names to reset after loading a save.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some option names and values from being updated after changing the language in the Options screen.

Multiplayer Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused perks that provide a speed bonus to attacks to scale the final damage too high.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented you from joining the server even after downloading the map (with a revision parameter).

  • Implemented the in-game admin panel & admin features for dedicated servers.
    • The in-game admin panel provides an easy way to organize and moderate events. It comes with the following options:
      • Require mission restart: Game Type, Map, Attacker & Defender Culture, Minimum Score to Win Duel, Number of Rounds, Map Time Limit, Round Time Limit, Warmup Time Limit, Maximum Number of Players
      • Have immediate effect: Welcome Message, Team Balance Threshold, Friendly Damages, Class Limits (Allow, Disallow)
      • Others: End Warmup, Mute/Unmute Player, Kick Player, Ban Player
    • The admin features are only available to those who enter the server as an admin by providing the admin password (right-click on the server and then "Join as Admin"). You can then access the admin panel via the Escape menu.
      • The "AdminPassword" can be set from the server config.
    • Added an admin announcements system that pushes out text to everyone on the server. Admins can utilize it by typing the following into chat:
      • /ab [text] - Admin Broadcast - Displays the announcement in the middle of the screen as well as in chat alongside a sound notification.
      • /ac [text] - Admin Chat - Displays the announcement in chat.
    • Implemented a new configuration option to support the admin panel. The "add_map_to_usable_maps [MapName] [GameType],[GameType]" allows you to specify which maps should be made available in the admin panel for which game types.
      • For example: "add_map_to_usable_maps mp_siege_map_005 Siege,Skirmish"
    • Visit the updated Hosting a Custom Server[moddocs.bannerlord.com] modding documentation page to learn more.
about 1 year ago - Dejan - Direct link
v1.2.9 (08/02/24)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to an invalid quest issue running in the background.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the crash uploader from working.
  • Reduced saving time by ~50% on all platforms.
about 1 year ago - Piconi - Direct link
v1.2.9 (01/03/24)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after completing Notable Wants Daughter found quest.

Recent Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Posts

3 months ago - Piconi