To the Oceania and South American NARAKA: BLADEPOINT community,
Following the global launch of NARAKA: BLADEPOINT, we’ve heard from players who are eager to jump into the game, but are frustrated at the lack of official servers in their respective regions.
The team at 24 Entertainment is hard at work implementing a solution to bring those affected the optimal NARAKA: BLADEPOINT experience. The team is currently establishing network nodes in both Oceania and South America, which players from those regions will automatically connect to. These nodes are connected to the South East Asia server (for Oceania) and North American Server (for South America). When matchmaking begins, the nodes will prioritise players from the Oceania hub and South American hub, delivering low-latency matchups.
If there aren’t enough players from Oceana or South America in the matchmaking queue, the nodes will redirect players to the main servers in North America or South East Asia respectively, ensuring they can jump into the action as soon as possible.
The team is looking to implement this new technology as soon as possible - and we are hopeful players will be able to make use of the new node system as early as the end of August.
24 Entertainment is constantly monitoring the situation in these territories; we’re listening to the invaluable feedback of players in these regions and prepared to launch new servers as the NARAKA: BLADEPOINT community continues to grow.
24 Entertainment
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