about 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
For the latest CDP, we are running two topics concurrently in two separate threads. The topic for this thread is Neverwinter PvP. This includes: The current state of PvP (what PvP options are available vs what modes you’d like to see) The purpose of PvP (what motivates different players to engage with PvP) PvP Rewards & Leaderboard PvP Campaign PvP Seasons Intersection between PvP and PvE in terms of classes, gear, builds, etc. The goal for this topic is to work together in identifying the needs, priorities, and potential action plans for Neverwinter PvP. The first phase of this topic will be the discussion phase, followed by a second phase where people will identify their top 3 points. From there, a summary/proposal will be put forward. For information on the purpose of CDP discussions, please go here. Note: Using the feedback format below allows us to better identify commonalities/differences and generate summaries and proposals more efficiently. As a reminder, the format is for feedback proposals, not for discussions/replies to another user’s proposal. Feedback Format Feedback Overview (short description of the proposed feedback) Feedback Goal (what this feedback would target and accomplish) Feedback Functionality (how would your feedback work in relation to the current design of Neverwinter) Risks & Concerns (what problems can you foresee with implementing your feedback that you would like input on from members of this subforum) Topic Discussion End Date: March 11, 2020 Reminders We will not disclose information regarding unreleased or in-development content. This includes specific business-related metrics, dates or timelines, or licensing agreements. Game development is the primary focus of the team - developer presence on these subforums cannot realistically be as frequent as the community would like. This does not mean the team is not invested in this initiative; it is taken very seriously. Thread summaries and actions plans developed once a topic has concluded its run are extremely valuable in maintaining the development team aware of the focused feedback, discussions, and community sentiment. These subforums are meant to be a collaborative discussion where we all learn from each other, share perspectives, and come to the table with ideas for the improvement of Neverwinter. This does not mean that we will take action on every proposal or that positive comments from the development team are to be construed as promises. Keep comments and discussions on topic and follow the CDP Conduct and Expectations.
about 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
Hey folks! Heads up that we are hoping to have a Driftwood Tavern stream on Tuesday, March 10, where @"rhroudadev#5641" joins in to discuss this CDP and take some questions.
about 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
Hey folks! Both @"rhroudadev#5641" and I are following this thread so thank you all for the great comments so far. Special shout out to those who work with the feedback format - even when not used exactly as stated, it really does help when there is some sort of structure to a comment! There's a lot here already (I have 2 pages of notes just from this first page of comments!) but there's a couple points brought up by various people that I'd love to hear more on: 1) Issue: Equalizing/Balancing the game/Making PvP more accessible but also not hurting/hindering/punishing long-time PvP players. I've heard some proposals like have different tiers/modes of PvP but could folks expand more on how they would approach the issue in a realistic way? 2) Solo Queue: This was actually a feature that was made permanent soon after I started at Cryptic. Initially it was offered as an occasional weekend event and a number of players clamored for it to be permanent. Could players on both sides of the argument (remove it/keep it) give specific examples on how it impacts the PvP landscape?
about 5 years ago - rhroudadev#5641 - Direct link
Hey everyone - I really appreciate all of this feedback and suggestions. I have a question for you folks though, based on your current opinion of PvP. If you do not play PvP, what do you feel it would take to get you to try it out for a bit? If you do occasionally play PvP, What do you feel it would take to make it more of a daily routine for you? If you play PvP frequently, do you feel like the time you spent in there isn't wasted? And if so, what do you feel would make your time investment feel more respected? Again, thank you everyone for your posts. I love seeing this discussion.
about 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
Thank you to folks who gave additional insight into Solo Queue. From a personal perspective, I've always been hesitant to remove features once they are introduced - yes, it happens in every game but I'm likely the one in meetings with counterpoints to removal, preferring to first explore how something can be modified to make it feasible. Only after reasonable options have been exhausted am I ok moving towards a removal decision. Again, this is just my own philosophy! @trgluestickz made a comment that has really stuck with me and I'm mulling over: "Solo que is currently the only active PVP type right now and puts 2 different groups of players with incompatible interests in the same que as each other." And that gets to the crux of one of the biggest issues (for me) - incompatible interests among the different existing PvP, potential PvP players, and PvE players.
about 5 years ago - cwhitesidedev#9752 - Direct link
Hi All, I haven't read the thread yet (I have skimmed it). Thanks all for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts, ideas and concerns. Now that the CDP CDP thread is closed I will be reading the entire CDP PVP. Upon closure of this CDP (not sure when) Rob and Julia will present their thoughts and summary of the CDP to the leads and then following some discussion I will put a proposal together and post it in the thread. Chris
almost 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
Closing this thread temporarily.
almost 5 years ago - nitocris83 - Direct link
Thank you all for your patience as the team too the time to discuss all the feedback and put together a comprehensive write-up. Issues Raised in CDP: Seasoned veterans pub-stomping newcomers who are not equipped with Best in Slot gear A desire for separate PvP ability balance and gear that can be used Complaints about artifacts and Mount Powers. Pay to Win Complaints More game Modes requested: Deathmatch, Capture the Flag Solo Queue and Group Queuing Rewards from playing PvP are bad outside of the season rewards, and do not help a player get better gear for PvP Matchmaking does not take class into effect. It will sometimes create a team of only healers and tanks with no DPS, or put a bunch of DPS without any tanks. Respawn timers need some looking into. It feels random. Overall Problem: Our current PvP approach doesn’t work for the majority of our audience which results in low PvP populations. Some of the concerns raised in the CDP are a direct result of this. For example, our PvP queues already try to match players by similar item levels, but it will only try that for a certain amount of time before matching together a random group. In the past this timer was longer, but due to the PvP community being small even with that longer delay we got the same imbalanced matches so we shortened the timer to reduce those waits. This in turn results in newer players being put into matches with highly geared PvP veterans which is not a good experience. That bad experience makes those new players decide PvP isn’t as fun as they’d hoped it would be and they move on. Even more geared and skilled players still struggle at times as they aren’t at the very top of how strongly they can be geared. This creates the call that PvP is “Pay to Win”. While we don’t feel that is quite an accurate statement, we do understand where the frustration is coming from. One last side note since respawn timers came up. Those are a rolling respawn which means they aren’t your personal respawn timer but are instead your team’s. This is so that instead of players respawning one by one and trying to get back in the fight before others die, the team members who are dead can spawn together and do a coordinated attack. We should do a better job calling this out and displaying it for players. Potential Solution: Even before we had made April Fowl’s we had discussed moving PvP to a style of preset characters. It was an idea we would discuss on and off over time as we weren’t sure if it was the right move to make. During that time, we continued to grow the PvP audience by working on PvP balance, improving rewards, making a better campaign, and adding PvP Seasons. While each of these steps would result in short term growth of PvP, it wouldn’t take long for the number of players participating in PvP to drop back down to low levels. That fact combined with the strong positive reaction to April Fowls PvP has renewed our interest in approaching PvP in a new way with preset characters. Here is a rough outline of how that would work and how we might be able to roll it out. Stages: Alpha: Our first stage of development would be a simplified version of this concept that we would release in an Alpha state. This means it wouldn’t have all of the functionality and polish but would have the core gameplay for early feedback. Alpha would have the following items: The existing domination maps would now have a contact in the starting area which players use to choose their character. We would strive to make 11 preset characters: 1 Henchman – the basic class you spawn in with that is weak. This is just to make sure players are not themselves and that they know to pick a real class before jumping into the action 7 Standard – these are different monsters/characters from Neverwinter that are free for all players to use 3 Premium – To make sure PvP doesn’t feel pay to win at all, we are going to approach it with the goal of having premium characters/premium costumes instead of paying to have better gear. This is where more iconic Neverwinter characters would show up such as: Knox, Celeste, Makos. These shouldn’t give any statistical advantage; they are simply a different option and play style. These preset characters would have their stats all set to fit their role/function and would have one set of powers on the power tray – 3 encounters, 2 dailies, 2 at wills. That is all the Alpha build would have. This allows players to try out the new PvP right away and start giving feedback. Beta: This stage is more about putting the polish on the existing functionality we’ve built, providing more class options to keep PvP fresh and the matches more varied. We would want to create the first aspects of progression (such as a campaign system or boon tree system). What the progression system is specifically will depend on both feedback and how we can leverage our existing tech. Official: This is the stage where we call the feature fully released. For this stage we should add at least one new PvP match type. Either something like capture the flag, or a more involved match where a bigger group of players are in the match and there are a mix of PvP and PvE objectives to allow a wider range of players to participate. By this stage we should have our progression system and UI setups finalized. Future: Beyond the official release we will want to continue to add new classes and new costumes for existing classes. If PvP is proving to be particularly popular then we should continue to add a few different game modes and potentially bring back competitive seasons with a 3v3 death match smaller map style. All of this is a proposal and can change in many ways. None of the call outs in this feature are a guarantee in any form or something we are locked into at this point. Thank you to everyone who participated in the PvP CDP.

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almost 2 years ago - nitocris83