Hi All,
Thanks so much for your patience and putting in all the effort in what is our first CDP! (Many more to come). Things have been really busy of late and we hope in future we will be able work with you on the CDPs more efficiently (Logistics and CDP schedule). On top of this we will have more direct communication about CDP outcomes, actions and discussion in streams.
I was going to frame things as a proposal but I think we are all mature enough for me to actually communicate what we are planning to work on (or are actively working on) with the caveat that all features and content are subject to change. If there is ever a big course correct we will let you know. I hope that sounds ok.
I would say about 50+ % of the team has read the CDP and about 90% have skimmed through it locking on areas that are closest to them. The team is already aware of the areas listed below and in most cases we are about to start work (brainstorming, planning) on the areas or already have (unless stated otherwise). The CDP discussion will help inform the work moving forward and no doubt we will be reaching out for further info, questions and/or thoughts regarding certain topics. We will do this on streams, through mini CDP topics, in some cases calls, emails and of course re-reading and discussing specific posts from this CDP. And we will keep everyone up to date on the progress in these areas both through communication and the preview server.
Therefore we intend to be working in the following areas this year although some of the features, systems and content will be released in phases. To this end we will be publishing a high level road map in the coming weeks!
- Streamlining of the 1-80 experience in which we will tackle campaigns, rewards, progression, player education (Core systems, damage, healing, item power, etc), tool tips, discover ability, player purpose, goals, time to get the best experiences of the game etc. This is a huge undertaking and one we are very excited about. We intend to deliver this in phases throughout the year but closer to the end of the year.
- Tiered content such as trials with easy and normal versions of trials for example and dungeons.
- Inclusivity whereby lower level players will be able to take part in events, strongholds, dungeons as well as other types of content that we will discuss at a later date.
- We will be making existing content more relevant to players across the board with some rewiring of rewards,activity's and progression.
- We will be working on evolving scaling so it is more relevant, meaningful and less constraining for all players.
- Better accessibility for players with disabilities and researching how we may be able to work with
https://ablegamers.org/ in this regard.
- Refinement of early game communication systems allowing more freedom for new and existing players to play together and communicate.
- Story telling and narrative arcs will be a core component of the whole experience including content delivery moving forward (Not mass effect (-: )
- Guild quality of life and profession/systems evolution (This is something we are discussing. We will update with more info later. We are still in the process of prioritization and therefore I am not sure how much work we can do on this at the moment).
- PVP discussions and potentially a separate CDP thread spinning up in tandem with other CDPs concurrently.
This is a lot of work. As I said much of it will be phased based and released bit by bit both for development reasons and so we can more meaningful shape the game together moving forward. We are right in the middle of discussing how we achieve the areas along with how we develop and deliver content moving forward. We can talk in more details about this on next weeks stream (21st Jan) and moving forward.
Again we want to thank you for all of your hard work, your contribution, your passion and for following the guidelines of the CDP to make it is meaningful, effective and meaningful as it can be. This is the beginning of our journey together as we evolve Neverwinter and the whole of the team wants to thank you for taking this journey with us.
We will leave the thread open for 24 hours should anyone have anymore comments or feedback regarding the above.
P.S: Our next topic is Progression and Rewards.