almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

Think you know Aeternum? When have you last visited Monarch’s Bluffs or Everfall? Have you heard of the Legacy of King Arthur? Well, time moves a little funny when death doesn’t quite bother you as it used to… or maybe it’s just that kids have it nicer now-a-days, no longer needing to run up and down hills to talk to your old man Yonas…

Revamped Starting Experience

We’ve completely redesigned the early levels of New World , so players who start the game or roll a new character will experience brand new stories and quests. Player feedback on quest variety, AI variety, more streamlined questlines with less running back and forth, and improved storytelling in those early stages of the game helped bring about the following changes:

  • Quest flow through zones has been optimized, with NPCs who move around, and a central story thread that takes players through each region of the game, unlocking side content to pace out the experience.
  • We’ve added a variety of new dynamic quests, from wave events to tracking and traversal challenges, puzzles in the ruins, unique interactions with the world, and dynamic events players will encounter.
  • We’ve revised onboarding to stay focused on the central storyline, introducing the legacy of King Arthur in Monarch’s Bluffs and a curse and famine from the sorceress Medea in Windsward. Players will still converge on the Hermit Yonas to start on the path to becoming Soulwardens, but the Yonas quests have all been consolidated in Everfall. The Hermit himself is now more mobile, while the story and quest flow vastly improved.
  • We’ve also added a lot more NPCs to the zones and settlements in Monarch’s Bluffs and Everfall, new enemies, new major locations, and new challenges in the quests and open world.

Please let us know how you enjoyed these changes on the PTR! In particular, due to the complex nature of these adjustments and new systems, we’re especially keen on feedback relating to overall sense of direction, purpose, exploration, and fun. Additional feedback on balance/difficulty, technical issues gameplay bugs, exploits, or client stability/performance problems is also appreciated.

Further questions that we would also love you to answer. Please feel free to copy and paste this section in your reply:

  • What are the top 3 positive moments you remember?
  • What was the most negative moment/experience you encountered?
  • Do you understand the story beats? Is the new storytelling compelling?
  • Do you feel like there is a clearly directed path to follow? Do you understand what to do next ?
  • What parts of the starting experience are still too difficult or confusing?
  • Do you feel that content variety (quests/activities/enemies/etc.) is sufficient within this new experience
  • Do you feel like the questing experience is still a “walking simulator” or has quest flow improved?
  • Was it very obvious that joining a Faction was part of a side-quest?
  • Did you like the new Faction initiation quests?

Thank you for your insight and valuable input during our early build preview phase!

If you are experiencing a bug, please utilize the following template:

  • What is your character name in the PTR:
  • What server/world did you experience your issue on:
  • Describe the issue you are experiencing:
  • Is this a bug or an exploit:
  • (if a bug) How did the issue effect your gameplay:
  • (if a bug) Were you able to recover from the issue:
  • (if a bug) Please include a screenshot or video of the issue that you have experienced:
  • What are the steps to reproduce the issue as you experienced:

You can find resources on how to leave good feedback in the How to Give High Quality Feedback post.

Your help in keeping feedback unrelated to the issue above regarding the Player vs Player Reward Track out of this focus thread is much appreciated!

Thank you for helping make New World the best game it can be!

See you in Aeternum!