over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

Turns out you can tag people that haven’t replied, I’ll probably regret that later.

There appear to be a lot of potentially unrelated issues going on here, but the general case seems to be the streaming system is for some reason not loading in the high MIP textures for some objects, or it thinks it can’t for some reason (memory usually, and I understand many of you reporting have plenty of memory).

It is also possible for an individual object to set specific distances for high texture load, and those values could be wrong/corrupted somehow - that is separate from the streamer code. stifstiflear’s post looks a lot like that, but I’ve seen the same banner in game without that problem, so it isn’t the static data at least. @stifstiflear does that type of banner look that way to you EVERY time, or just sometimes?

I’ll forward this to the graphics engineers - I don’t want to guess at a cause, because there appear to be multiple different issues that different people are experiencing.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

So you see the LOD of the mesh change when you are very close already to the canon?

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

Ok, that’s interesting and useful information. It’s consistent with the distance compute itself being wrong (or measured against the wrong value) instead of some blocking issue like lack of memory or time to load. But should help us look at it, thanks.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

For the people experiencing this, if you are on “very high” graphical settings, can you please try “high” instead and see if it makes a positive difference. There is a change in the next patch that should help the people who see this problem, but in the meantime changing the setting to high might also help - our high textures are actually “high” btw, and our very high are really very high, so high can still look good on 4K screen even.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

Hey folks - I apologize, but this change did not actually make it into the 1.05 patch. My mistake in thinking it was in, we were testing it at the time and I didn’t realize we weren’t done. So it’s aimed at an upcoming patch, once I know for sure it’s coming out i’ll update this thread or post.

over 3 years ago - TheLawRich - Direct link

It’s definitely client. The server really knows nothing about textures for instance (which isn’t unusual). Somehow your clients are convinced they are either constrained (on load time, memory, availability of GPU resources) or they feel they are further away from objects than they actually are. Given some of the machines mentioned in the thread, it doesn’t make sense they would be constrained - so that’s likely the bug.