almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

We are creating a weekly thread in order to track new bugs that popped up due to the most recent update, the Weekly 1.2.1 Update. We will update the list below when we see new issues appear.

You can find our Known Issues list for December here and the Weekly 1.2.1 Feedback Megathread here.

Newly Reported Bugs:

Known bugs but not on the Known Issues List:

  • Some players are reporting that they are unable to place a tier 5 camp down
  • The “Disease” debuff may stack infinitely
  • Companies may not receive 50k per settlement lost if they were merged into a new world - working on a resolution
  • Winter Warrior may not respawn if you die - abandon and reaccept quest
  • Cows are missing (or loading in very slowly) in settlements
  • Long delay on loading screen
  • Yonas is missing (or loading slowly)
  • There is a bug with our minimum expertise bumps, where bumps after 585 Expertise always give 1 Expertise, rather than the 2 they should have
  • There is an issue where players can only increase aptitude levels by 3 levels at one time
  • Sometimes chests do not contain any loot
  • Some players are reporting that any interaction causes your weapon to become unsheathed
  • Some gatherable nodes will stay on the map after being discovered
  • Midwinter’s Majesty has some graphical issues
  • Some players are reporting not receiving rewards after finishing Outpost Rush
  • Players can’t see group members on their map
  • There is a typo in the Giacomo Alioviti questline
  • Players may need to release RMB and exit ADS before selecting a skill/ability
  • There is a report that Estebanita Gomes does not show up in Monarchs Bluff
  • Players can still glitch through the back doors of the forts in wars
  • Void Gauntlet: “Enchanted” perk is not working properly
  • Players are reporting that the musket trap disappears when you throw it at your feet
  • Players are reporting that they aren’t receiving the 3 star Aptitude Fishing Reward

If the bug you are experiencing is not listed here, please use the template below so we can get as much information possible to provide to the team:

  • What is your character name in New World:
  • What server/world did you experience your issue on:
  • Describe the issue you are experiencing:
  • Is this a bug or an exploit:
  • (if a bug) How did the issue effect your gameplay:
  • (if a bug) Were you able to recover from the issue:
  • (if a bug) Please include a screenshot or video of the issue that you have experienced:
  • What are the steps to reproduce the issue as you experienced:

We thank you for helping us improve New World and for keeping this thread solely on the bugs and exploits you are experiencing.

over 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Thanks for providing these bugs! I’ll get them reported to the team and put up the 1.2.2 thread up asap.