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Hey all,

I just received an email about a key for the density test and am downloading it now. Seems like the test started July 30th and I only got the key on the last day? Is this a one day thing or can I keep testing playing outside the 1PST-4PST window today?

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over 4 years ago - /u/LegionCM - Direct link

As you know, currently New World has a Density Test going on to put a strain on our servers in preparation for the upcoming August preview event.

At the start of the test, Alpha Testers, who were already playing on Steam with us, and all Pre-order customers were invited to join. This gave us a major concurrency spike on Thursday night. Then on Friday, we invited a wave of Beta Test signups to give us another big wave Friday night, and finally we invited even more Beta Testers early this morning to continue adding to the tester pool.

We were unclear about when the test would end because we didn't know what it would take to achieve our testing goals. We will be announcing details on when it will end today after 4pm PT.

Hope this answer/non-answer is at least helpful. Thanks for your support during this test! Everyone has been extremely supportive and helpful and we are very grateful.