almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be performing a test of our world merging technology on the Public Test Realm (PTR) on Monday, November 15th. Please keep in mind that the PTR is fully a test environment, and plans such as these merges are subject to change. If this plan does require adjustment, we will let you know ahead of time.

The following worlds will be merged:

  • “EU PTR 1” will be merged into “EU PTR EU 2”
  • “US East PTR 1” will be merged into “US East PTR 2“

Downtime will start at 2021-11-15T21:00:00Z and will last for an estimated 2 hours.

When downtime is complete, all characters and their associated data will have permanently relocated into the destination world. For instance, if you had characters on EU PTR 1 (source world) when downtime began, your characters and the data will be on PTR EU 2 (destination world) coming out of downtime. Data transfer includes inventory, skills, currency, housing, achievements, faction ranking, friends, and company membership. No action will be required on your behalf in order to complete the process.

Companies that owned territory on the source world will be compensated an amount of coin for their loss.

Leading up to the merge, we do ask for a level of assistance from PTR participants:


  • Customize! Obtain items, stuff gear in storage, reach achievements, make a house a home, and use skill and points. Make your characters unique, and take screenshots of the final arrangements before the above maintenance window so that you have a personal record.


  • Did your characters make it through alright? All character data — including your home — should be left untouched. You should simply find yourself in a new but familiar world with everything in tact (even if you just found yourself with new neighbors).

Is something missing or no longer functioning after the world merge? Let us know right away!

Thank you again for your help, and we’ll see you in Aeternum!

almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Server merges have been completed and the PTR is back up for those regions. For any feedback or bug reports, please put them here: [Focus Feedback/Bug Reporting] Server Merge

Thank you for all of your help and we’ll see you in Aeternum!