almost 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

Thank you to everyone who has been testing the PTR and providing feedback either through the forums or in-game! We’ve already noted some bugs and feedback we want to address in our upcoming release and are keeping our eyes opened for your continued help!

We have heard asks for weapon balance notes, weapon feedback threads, as well as server merges and we are happy to provide them to you!

We have posted the Weapon Balance Notes for the PTR here as well as created Focus Feedback threads for each weapon.

We will also be merging servers on Monday so if you are interested in helping us test these out, please make sure to hop on over the weekend! We will only be merging servers in US-East and EU-Central.

Below, you’ll find links to our posts for the PTR Patch Notes, Focus Feedback Threads for each weapon, and server merges for more information.

Thank you again for your continued assistance for our PTR and we’ll see in you in Aeternum!