over 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

The below list is a collection of new, high-priority issues that the development team is aware of. This list is not all encompassing, and can vary from game-build to game-build due to ongoing active development and bug-fixing.

  1. Within a mutated Gardens of Genesis expedition, Alluvium Marl can sometimes suddenly lose large portion of their health while in combat. This happens due to a bug where summoned Dryad minions can sometimes apply an unintended buff upon death to nearby NPCs and said buff expires, resulting in a perceived sudden drop in HP.

  2. Client disconnections (client crash, internet connection loss, or ALT+F4) while in an expedition instance, and having that instance expire due to no active players remaining, can sometimes result in the disconnected player’s inventory (with the exception of equipped items) getting wiped without any course of recovery.

  3. A low-chance of encountering an animation error while in a mutated expedition, which can result in a client crash. Restarting the client and re-connecting to the game world will temporarily resolve the issue.

  1. Players will need to complete the regular expedition first to unlock the mutator codex, then they are free to play as often as possible on that expedition for 48 hours until the next one appears. They then will have to repeat unlocking the codex for the next expedition. After the player has all codex, they wont have to play the regular level again.