over 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers!

As we go live, there going to be issues that pop up while we are actively developing and breaking things within New World. These are some of the Known Issues that we are currently aware of and actively working on resolving.

Looking for our Release notes? Click here!
If we have any workarounds for a known issue, it will be posted here!
Find any additional bugs? Post them here: [Megathread] The Great February Bug Hunt

  • T3 Smelter Aptitude Caches may not provide items - please do not open them for the time being
  • Player can sometime lose their face after teleporting
  • Azoth Tree area lights flickering
  • Green Quest Markers seem to Disappear and Reappear Inconsistently.
  • Lighting flickers/flashes sporadically throughout Reekwater dungeon.
  • The game screen blacks out during Darkness events in rainy areas
  • Using Potion with Ice gauntlet equipped and attacking causes player body to flicker and model corruption after weapon swap
  • Players can access the recall to inn function of their starting settlement as soon as they arrive on the beach
  • Reekwater ‘Protector of the Source’ Arena Boss objective does not show to players when entering with key.
  • The attribute sheet UI does not update weapon damage for scaling off of intelligence or focus instead of primary attributes.
  • PvP Healing does not scale in a similar way to damage.
  • Void Blade impact effects sometimes trigger incorrectly.
  • Umlaut are not displayed correctly on names
  • Players cannot access the War Board to sign up for a war in a settlement
  • Splinter Shot hits the enemy an inconsistent amount of times based on distance, making its damage hard to predict.
  • Dropped/Looted Furniture Cannot be Salvaged
  • Certain situations cause some weapon abilities to feel as though their end lag has greatly increased
  • Using Rending Throw to interrupt light and heavy attack sequences causes the player’s movement to stutter
  • Abilities can fail to function when activated as the user enters the Blowback silence in Mutators
  • Players falling through ground and die when respawning when server is under load
  • Shirking Energy is not functional and puts itself on cooldown in heavy equip load
  • All Area and Standard Battle Music stops playing after player enters the Bathe Chambers in Lazarus Instrumentality
  • Boss music does not play after death
  • Cilla’s Arcane Bombs persist through her death
  • Rain of Arrows doesn’t go on cooldown if shot at max height.
  • REPs are randomly dropping players on live servers.
  • Players falling through ground and die when respawning when server is under load.
  • Player is banned for 20 minutes from Outpost Rush when server restart occurs during the Outpost Rush match.
  • Player can walk past trigger for Thorpe dying in the FTUE with high input lag and cause a soft lock
  • Player is unable to join Expeditions after exiting a different one until world was rebooted
  • Territory Upkeep timer continues ticking down during server restarts and while world is under maintenance
  • AOE targeted area can go through Fort Gates and damage enemies
  • PvP Flag luck bonus is active during the 30 second protection timer
  • Players report becoming stuck in place after interacting with NPCs
  • Large amount of reports are coming in that server restarts and maintenance are causing players to lose expedition orbs
  • Character model disappears to other players after throwing a sticky bomb

All things combat

  • “The Living Crystal” quest NPC Malevolence does not spawn
  • Named items containing custom perks can ignore unique perk restrictions
  • Damage dealt from status effects is not tracked by telemetry unless it kills the target.
  • Players have a hard time seeing Fireball hitbox due to VFX on ability.
  • Effects that use positive HealMod values do not stack properly and function as if they are clamped.
  • Hatchet ability berserk animation can be fully cancelled with proper timing of another ability
  • Certain weapon passives cause durability loss on weapon swap
  • Weapon sometimes disappears after using Javelin spear skill while being hit.
  • Rapier’s Fleche ability may cause player to light roll far distances
  • Players cannot cancel Flurry by using the Fleche ability
  • Attacks that are dealt from spawned slices doesn’t scale properly when under geared in Mutator 10.
  • Using elemental gem on weapons that spawn damaging slices lowers their attack damage
  • Weapon remains equipped when going prone, allowing players to punch with weapon.
  • Player is able to clip through outcropping collision by using many abilities while prone
  • Ice Shower causes Ultimate Chill Status Effect Icon to appear to stack.
  • Combat State Inventory Notification is inconsistent for Equipping vs Unequipping.
  • Cooking Mastery perk does not affect certain recipes in the crafting station.
  • PvP Rewards are not Granted and PvP Value is not wiped if Players are Migrating Hubs.
  • Mending Execute heals for more than the stated percentage value.
  • Outpost Rush Summons will Target Allied Player Ice Pylons.
  • Give Up Prompt is Delayed in Appearing if Player is Downed in the Pre-Duel Window.
  • The Javelin ability has some minor issues with animations and can be thrown out of the players vision radius.
  • Esc doesnt cancel spell targeting if used right after pressing the ability key.
  • Ice Pylon targets/shoots at Barkimedes
  • If character strafes during 2 handed weapon unsheathing animation after closing inventory, animation is interrupted and repeats.
  • Higher latency values cause a stutter while using magic weapon light attacks while running
  • Buff VFX display on players before they fully spawn in.
  • Splinter shot’s center projectile fires at a slight angle, causing apparent hits to somehow miss.
  • Player can loop pulling out and putting away their musket while prone.
  • Life Staff can fire slightly faster if holding Block while spamming light attack.
  • Players do not properly animate their aiming while firing gauntlet attacks
  • Musket Sticky Bomb Sometimes Disappears when Thrown While Falling
  • Camera behaves unusually when going prone after firing Poison Shot
  • Musket and Bow light attacks are possible underwater
  • With good timing, cancelling Tondo with Evade will cause the ability to hit without playing VFX.
  • Combat State HUD Icon is not present when in combat state.
  • Rapier Momentum buff persists when changing weapons.
  • Dodging while using “Flurry” makes the player dodge in place regardless of the armor type.
  • Ice Spikes will sometimes not load the VFX for the large ice spike if the caster uses LMB at a specific time.
  • Going prone while firing Penetrating Shot can consume the arrow without using the ability
  • Slight animation or position rollbacks occur when running and hitting with some weapons.
  • Some Hatchets don’t spin along with the VFX angle.
  • Void Blade animations and vfx sometimes appear out of sync when activated while running.
  • Incorrect impact VFX is played when a spear hits objects with the Javelin ability.
  • Description of Essence Rupture Void Gauntlet Weapon Mastery does not clarify if it works on all targets or only living creatures.
  • Shockwave VFX appear to jump around on the ground.
  • Sturdy Shield passive doesn’t properly reflect max HP when sword/shield is unsheathed and accessing inventory afterwards.

All things crafting, gathering, and items

  • Crafting window sometimes closes when trying to craft
  • Most Void Gauntlet icons do not match the gauntlets color variation.
  • Shields downgrading in rarity all across the game.
  • Sword and shield costs twice as many umbral shards to upgrade since it has two items requiring upgrades
  • Garden of Genesis Mutator sets have visual issues
  • The perks listed in the elemental tooltip are not ordered in Mutated Expeditions
  • Weapon sheathing SFX is corruptible depending on weapon type.
  • Garden of Genesis tuning orb can be used an infinite amount of times
  • Newer randomized trinkets do not have attribute suffixes.
  • Forest Warden’s Chestpiece has texture and clipping issues
  • Heavy Smyhle set cape & skirt have visual issues
  • Numerous Furnishing items cannot be salvaged
  • Alkahests not properly calculating bonus percentage
  • Medium Smyhle set has multiple visual errors
  • The Voracious Blade tool tip in the Trading Post is difficult for players to understand.
  • Several new Mutator Hatchets have throwing axe projectiles from abilities that don’t match their appearance.
  • Potion Cooldown VFX does not update if player use the item, unequip and quickly reequip the item it
  • Sometimes the rewards for the Aptitude progression are doubled on reward notification pop-up when receiving more than one reward.
  • Bags cannot be upgraded via drag and drop in Mutated Expeditions
  • Equipped armor and jewelry cannot be upgraded via drag and drop in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Honing Stones and Weapon Coatings are inconsistent with each other.
  • War Hammer’s inventory icons are warped.
  • Tooltips are layered beneath the UI Banner at the bottom of the screen.
  • Upgrade UI is inconsistent with other UI in game in Mutated Expeditions
  • Coatings are removed when entering or exiting an expedition.
  • All sickles clip with players arm while gathering. Including store purchased sickles.
  • Quick Salvaging Schematics the player already has learned will not warn them that they will be wasting the item.
  • “Infused Silk Robe Handwraps” in-game model does not match the Tooltip icon.
  • Chance to craft additional Gems/Stones is not increased with an increase in solvent tier
  • Blighted Growth’s set has multiple visual errors
  • Craft Chance Bonus does not update
  • Resources can be obstructed by camps when they are placed near, or on top of, the entity nodes.
  • Missing Tooltip Image on Shadowed Sky void gauntlet from Mutated Dynasty
  • Players are unable to interact with objects necessary for objective completion in expeditions or the open world if at unique item capacity.
  • Salvaging Stacked Housing Items: UI Overlay Does Not Show Amount of Repair Parts Earned
  • Sometimes Weekly Mutation tooltips may be flickering on the screen when hovering over Mutation icons on map.
  • Weapons may be used instead of tools during gathering animations.
  • The Censored curses list the major curse before the minor in Mutated Expeditions
  • Expedition tower shields stats are the same as kite shields
  • Sword and Shield users can never see their true attribute totals in the Inventory.
  • Interactable Young Tree is missing its model near the second barrel defense puzzle in Dynasty Shipyard
  • Hatchet projectile model has a white spike coming from the handle on the right side after using Aimed Throw.

All things quests and missions

  • There are no lost in the Genesis of Malevolence for Waste Not, Want Not.
  • Didn’t get an orb after Ultimate Blight Defense Quest
  • Player has no option to go through the quest “Northeast of Eden”
  • The visual mesh for the Book of Isabella does not show up when the slice swaps in.
  • The Interactive Object used for the “Down Payment” quest has the active VFX for players that do not have the quest.
  • Insufficient number of Dryad Elementalist’s in Canker Snap to complete “A Stock of Ironwood” Quest.
  • A L60 User with a CampT5 cannot place a camp after the Patch.
  • Journal Menu crashes game when player is using WQHD resolution
  • EXP from multiple sources is lumped together and can cause confusion.
  • Root cause issue with options saving that causes extra saves to happen on client startup
  • When trying to use gatherables/containers near NPCs, it is common for players to accidentally interact with the NPC instead.
  • The wrong AI family is referenced in the “Marauder Initiation: Fallowhill Farms” Journal Entry.
  • Nekumanesh and Barkimedes quest pins appear off to the side of the map
  • Impossibile to collect the quest items in Ixia’s Blessing.
  • Artificer Estebanita Gomes is missing VO for the Traitorous Weaponry quest.
  • Juice will play their full VO before players progress text boxes during quest completion
  • Mourningdale Ancient Sculpture is missing collision at New Balefire.
  • Debug text in the topics column of the journal.
  • Player can skip interacting with IOs to progress The Last Mystery
  • Heloise dialogue out of order for Encroaching Corruption
  • Recommended Level in Accept Quest dialogue persists when accepting a new quest.
  • Edith Perchal NPC is missing Voice Over when accepting The Giant Ones Quest
  • Faction Trial quests don’t display Token reward.
  • Traveler’s Rest construction slice has unexpected collision.
  • Closing Cost quest marker on Mourningdale Settlement not showing on higher zoom levels.
  • Giacomo Altoviti is in a Corrupted Portal while completing Down Payment quest.
  • Barkeep Polly has some Missing VO for With A Little Luck Quest (Barkeep_0410_0414_Rabbit_CompleteNext).
  • Fireplace lighting flickering in Traveler’s Rest houses.
  • Ancient Map asset loses textures after interaction during Hope Springs Eternal quest.
  • Hit Boxes are small on Malign Nodes.


  • Elite Containers in Lazarus & Garden of Genesis Mutator Expedition are capped at 500 GS loot
  • Charge GA or Burnout FS can be used to bypass triple-laser walls inside Starstone Barrows.
  • There was a report of more than five players in an expedition at the same time
  • Pause menu tooltips do not repopulate immediately after players leave to main menu and return to the game in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Ice Tomb does not take damage from any chain element.
  • Mage hunter causes UI for abilities that don’t cost mana to become greyed out but remain usable after reaching 0 mana in Mutated Expeditions
  • Overcharged Fire and Overcharged Nature have no VFX in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Overcharged fire as part of the Frenzied curse does little damage to players in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Various boss themes do not play on repeated attempts of their fights.
  • Open world objectives are shown on the compass while in Dynasty Shipyard Expedition.
  • Some of Commander Chen’s attacks lack audio that would be expected with the VFX.
  • Cilla will not reset properly if Players log off while on that same platform as her.
  • Expedition invite social window disappears after one second in Dynasty Shipyards.
  • Azoth Door can be unlocked from the wrong side during “Unseal the Gate” Task in The Depths
  • Difficulty banner displays twice when entering an expedition with mutators enabled.
  • Weary status effect displays debug text in the status effect description in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Blood offering displays debug text in tooltip description in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Debug text appears on Weary curse progress bar in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Enraged Description is inconsistent with functionality in Mutated Expeditions.
  • Tooltips for major curses appear on difficulties less than 10 despite being only active on difficulty 10.
  • Combustible can target Dynasty Shipyard Summoner’s spinning blade attack in a Mutated Expedition.
  • Greenskeeper AOE attack’s VFX can remain on the ground if players immediately give up after being downed in Garden of Genesis
  • Overworld music plays during Amrine Excavation
  • Battle music ends abruptly after defeating one enemy in a group in Amrine Excavation Expedition
  • Lazarus AI sometimes trigger Battle Music inconsistently.
  • Purifying Flame interact points in Garden of Genesis are inconsistently displaying “Requires a purifying flame”
  • Expedition UI does not show highest rank completed when first entering a Mutated Expediton.
  • Battle music plays while Cilla is dormant in Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition
  • Player can Clip through Ground during “A Selfless Nature” Quest
  • Sometimes victory screen does not show up after finishing the expedition
  • Dynasty Shipyard mutator icons are doubled on the map
  • Isabella’s cannons are not affected by Gear Score Scaling in Mutated Dynasty Shipyard.
  • Mutator Map Icon doesn’t update for the client if the mutator scheduler updates while a player is online.
  • Placed powder kegs visually reverse back to blueprints after leaving their aoi in Dynasty Shipyard.
  • Corruption noticably changes color based on player location and camera.
  • Isabella does not lip-sync her dialogue during the boss intro in Dynasty Shipyard
  • Enraged has the same icon for building stacks and active buff in Mutated Expeditions.


  • Sometimes player chat messages fail to appear in client chat log.
  • Area chat messages from the last 15 minutes are shown all at once to players entering the area.
  • Speech to Text does not function consistently when players leave a group.
  • Help chat channel does not work inside expeditions.
  • Player’s name may not display properly when using special text characters
  • Chat channel tags not always appearing on chat messages
  • Player is not able to scroll the chat window in Propus POI
  • /help (or /?) displays emotes that you do not own

Companies, Factions, Groups (oh my!)

  • Player is Not Notified to Why Company Name was Moderated
  • “You do not have permissions to deposit” message appears when Settlers attempt to withdraw from company treasury.
  • Accepted Faction Missions change positions on the faction board when the player accepts a mission, accesses another settlement’s faction board, then returns to the original faction board.
  • Sometimes when cursor is moved slowly to the next MTX company crest option, tooltip will not show.
  • Player model is invisible while in the faction mission menu
  • Former rank and faction tokens remain on the Bio after changing factions.
  • Invalid company invite persists after relog and has to be cancelled manually.
  • Ambiguous Error Message When Not Fulfilling Requirements for Company Transactions
  • PvP missions appear in the wrong slot when a mission is abandoned or turned in from the faction mission board.
  • Player gets nonspecific player facing message after being kicked from group.
  • Old Group Members remain on the Map, if user leaves while outside of the Group’s Instance.


  • Impact VFX is displayed on bow when shooting a Darkness Veil
  • Moonlight flickering rapidly near Rattlevine Ridge


  • Invasion AI appeared to spawn on or in the Invasion claim in Live
  • War occurred during Maintenance which ended early, allowing players to login and attack
  • The summoning portal during Invasion does not render when viewed from the fort.
  • You can’t leave invasion via the game menu tab

Player to Player Trading and Trading Post

  • Contract commits are processed even if the trading post is disabled
  • Some Tradeskill apparel items can not be fulfilled in buy orders due to a higher minimum Gear score.
  • Player may receive “Trade Canceled” message with a successful trade when other trade participant lags out.
  • Trades do not work after a Transfer until the player relogs.
  • Transactions can fail across hub borders
  • When filtering all settlements at any trading post UI states there are None orders when orders are present
  • The [LMB + Shift] shortcut cannot be used during the P2P Tradings.
  • Player cannot send coin to someone in a trade
  • The number of active sale orders does not clear out after all sale orders have been purchased.
  • Timeless Shard weapons are difficult to search for on the Trading Post.
  • Searching with the perk filter in any other language, other than English, in the Trading Post will freeze the client.
  • Cancel button can be selected in trading post after purchasing an item

Outpost Rush

  • Friendly AI summons summoned in outpost rush matches could be healed using life staff light attacks
  • Player reports receiving one-hour penalty after crashing out of Outpost Rush and every game afterwards.
  • Players who are queued for Outpost Rush before a server crash will remain in a bugged queue after rejoining the game.
  • In Outpost Rush, Protection Wards prevent claims from returning to a non-conflict state if built while the point is contested.
  • Baroness Hain timer broken when joining mid-match live
  • Outpost rush not always awarding reward caches
  • Gates in Outpost Rush can have separate interacts on each side of the door if they are being simultaneously upgraded and repaired.
  • Live Reports of Players sometimes unable to respawn after dying in Outpost Rush.
  • Players in Outpost Rush can discard resources and return to them within 3 minutes to safeguard against losing resources to enemy team.
  • Players are able to destroy turret blueprints in the Outpost Rush.
  • Explosive Turrets in Outpost Rush lack messaging that explains how to control them and can be killed while unclaimed.
  • Attempting Placing Camp in Outpost Rush gives incorrect error message


  • Large companies can split into child companies to increase their odds of a war dec
  • Rarely, players are not receiving rewards from Wars or Invasions.
  • War points can have their aoe indicators disappear when many aoe vfx are nearby.
  • Capture Point marker doesnt appear as soon as its off screen
  • Demoted/Kick Company Members can confirm Fortress defense building
  • Walking with Siege Weaponry blueprints may cause grass to flicker or disappear.