about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Thanks for the report - I’ve brought this to the team’s attention.

about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

I’m aware and the team is investigating. When I have an update, I’ll reply to this thread. I understand how frustrating this can be and I ask for your patience while the team investigates.

about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

We’re looking at Atlantis as well.

about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

We’re going to be restarting Atlantis and Abaton. The maintenance messages should be posted in those worlds.

about 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

The Server team is indeed investigating the issue and monitoring each world individually. The worlds are being restarted so that people can go into expeditions and Outpost Rush. However, they will look at the data being collected to understand what happened and how to resolve it.