almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

Thank you for participating in the Public Test Realm (PTR) and helping us knock out bugs and test content before they go live. We appreciate all of your help!

For more in-depth information on our upcoming PTR, please read our article here:

The Public Test Realm will be opened 2022-09-01T17:00:00Z(in your local timezone) and available to download on 2022-08-31T23:00:00Z.

This PTR will release content in multiple phases to ensure that all content is being equally tested. For this first phase, we will be focusing primarily on the New Player Experience and the Greatsword.

New PTR characters will be required to experience this content. Existing characters have been wiped for this cycle, in order to ensure thorough testing of the early game experience changes and to ensure feedback received is evaluated at the same difficulty benchmarks as we roll out new features across the next several weeks.

As a note, Greatswords will not be initially provided via backstories but you will be able to obtain them early on through natural gameplay in this test.

At this time, we are specifically looking to collect bug reports and feedback on the following:

For general Feedback and Bug Reporting, you can find the Megathreads below:

Additional features will be released at a later date. Stay tuned to this post for when those features and the corresponding focus feedback threads roll out!

In addition to US East, we will be opening a server in Central EU to help facilitate testing. To access the PTR, you may need to change your region selection on the PTR Character Selection Menu.

For those that already have a character on the PTR, please create a new character for this iteration so you can fully experience this new playthrough.

In later phases, we will unlock additional pieces of content, including Brimstone Sands. At that point, we will offer level 60 backstories that include level 60 Greatswords and applicable character set-ups. We will provide screenshots for those when they’re released.

Thank you again for your help and we’ll see you in Aeternum!