almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

The below list is a collection of new, high-priority issues that the development team is aware of. This list is not all encompassing, and can vary from game-build to game-build due to ongoing active development and bug-fixing.

Please be aware that this is a very large feature which is still in development; there will be placeholder text and unintended bugs. These are some of the more noteworthy known bugs and polish items that are not yet resolved within the PTR build but should be fixed fairly soon.


  • During the starter experience, many loot containers fail to reward any items to the player.
  • First time crafting a trade skill does not grant correct XP and the UI remains on screen.
  • Sometimes the Void Blade animation “stutters” when the Player Character takes damage while also activation the Void Blade.
  • It’s possible for the Player Character to get stuck in the animation of activating the Burning Oil Vat.
  • While in a Musical Performance, the song “Canarios” is missing audio.

Revamped Starting Experience

  • When exiting out of the dialogue with Grace O’Malley in Monarch’s Bluff before the next quest dialogue begins, the quest progression brakes and the player is unable to progress.
  • Grace O’Malley’s will not move from her destination in ‘Amidst the Wreckage’ if the Player Character gets there first.
  • Prydwen/Corinth/Oxboro are mentioned in multiple quests but are not labeled on the Map.