New World

New World Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Yep. We're going to try and get it out by the end of the month if possible. A lot has happened in the past month and we're adjusting to everyone working from home. We'll get back on a regular cadence of informational videos and blogs soon.

16 Apr


Hey everyone

I just want to set expectations on the development teams involvement and contributions here on this and other subreddits. While the game remains under NDA you can expect the team to not engage here. We stood up official forums for Alpha testers to give their direct feedback on the current feel and mechanics of the game. That is where we will be spending most of our time engaging with players who can speak openly about the game.

As the Community Manager for New World right now, I go where the players are. I keep my finger on the pulse of the conversations that are happening around the internet in regards to New World. This is one of the many places that I check in on daily. I look for hot button topics that it's clear there is confusion on and try and work them into future pieces of content like Dev Blogs. You won't see us weighing into or expanding on anything that hasn't been directly talked about outside of official channels.

This will all c...

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11 Apr


Don't retweet us. Retweet that post from Jovi99 if you want to help him.


Originally posted by Piwi2point0

Organize contests or something, this lacks ingenuity. Besides I almost died of a heart attack just by the TwitterBot message. Felt more like torture...

Some ideas to take a look into:

- Fan Art competition; could be a story, painting ,art design, best meme for example.

- Quiz: where the top winners can get keys.

- Voice Acting contest.

- A puzzle, solving will unlock a key.

There are so many better ways, to do this...

Agreed, as I stated above we will have multiple ways that we're going to be giving out Alpha keys between now and Closed Beta.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Appreciate you understanding the potential problem with the botting my man

my the luckiest man win the giveaways!

Yeah, I used to be the Community Manager for H1Z1, we ran a surprise and delight campaign on Twitter by sending out keys every hour. Quickly learned my lesson with that one.

09 Apr

30 Mar


We're currently working on blogs about War and Invasion while also working on Dev Diary 4. Fret not, we're still going to be pumping out info. Same with the date for Closed Beta, once we have a solidified date to share, we absolutely will.

AND we're still inviting players into the Closed Alpha weekly so keep an eye on your e-mail.

26 Mar


We did send out a bad batch of codes to a few players but we are re-issuing those codes and sending out more to those affected. Please keep an eye on your e-mail for your new code.

16 Mar

04 Mar

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Das New World Community-Team kontaktieren

Wenn ihr Feedback zu unseren Foren, der Blogs, offiziellen Wettbewerben oder den Mitgliedern des Community-Teams habt, könnt ihr uns jederzeit unter der folgenden E-Mailadresse kontaktieren: [email protected]. Wir wissen, euer Feedback sehr zu schätzen, beachtet aber bitte, dass wir zwar sämtliche Feedback-Mails lesen und berücksichtigen, jedoch nicht immer eine Antwort garantieren können.

Wenn ihr eine qualitativ hochwertige Fanseite zu New World betreibt, die zudem eine aktive Community aufweist und regelmäßig aktualisiert wird, meldet euch gerne mal bei uns: ...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Das New World Creator Program
Bist du Streamer, Video-Host, Wiki-Autor, Autor, Künstler, Fan-Website-Admin, Gildenanführer oder Gaming-Mentor und möchtest etwas zur New-World-Community beitragen? Dann ist das New-World-Creator-Programm genau das Richtige für dich!

Das Programm wurde entwickelt, um dir mehr Möglichkeiten zu geben, direkt mit dem New-World-Team und anderen kreativen Mitgliedern der Community zusammenzuarbeiten. Es soll sicherstellen, dass du die Gelegenheiten, Zugänge und Tools hast, um deine beste Arbeit zu machen.

Der offizielle Start des Programms wird vor der geschlossenen Beta 2021 erfolgen. Du kannst dich aber jetzt schon dafür anmelden. Alle Infos findest du auf unserer Webseite: ...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Willkommen im Diskussionsforum für New World.

Diese Foren sind dafür vorgesehen, ein freundliches und familiäres Umfeld zu schaffen, um mit anderen Spielern über New World zu diskutieren. Unser Ziel ist es zudem, eine einzigartige, vielseitige, respektvolle und leidenschaftliche Community aufzubauen und diese stetig zu fördern.

Zu diesem Zweck haben wir einen Verhaltenskodex erstellt, um unsere Community vor unangebrachtem und toxischem Verhalten zu schützen. Dieser Verhaltenskodex gilt sowohl für das Forum, als auch im Spiel selber. Wir empfehlen euch, die unten aufgeführten Regeln vollständig durchzulesen. Wenn ihr euch aber an die folgenden Richtlinien haltet, solltet ihr auf der sicheren Seite sein:

  • Benehmt euch
  • Belästigt keine anderen Spieler
  • Kein Anstacheln
  • Haltet euch an die Regeln und betrügt nicht
  • Gebt keine persönlichen Informationen weiter oder teilt euren Account mit anderen
  • Achtet ...
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03 Mar


Let me double check with Customer Support. I will respond to this thread when I have a verified answer.

EDIT: Just made sure that my info was correct, yes you will be receiving the Deluxe Edition


Let me look into this with Customer Service and get back to this thread. I want to make sure I provide the correct information.

EDIT: Just made sure that my info was correct, yes you will be receiving the Deluxe Edition

02 Mar


Originally posted by karuthebear

I feel the same way for the most part and I guess I'm curious if "pvp missions" require you to be pvp-flagged to do them. If they don't, well then that's just silly. If they do, it MIGHT not be as bad as 1 would think. It could potentially create hotspots if you have to travel certain areas or get certain items while flagged.

Thanks for calling this out. It was a slight oversight in the blog that we’ll get updated today. Accepting a PvP Faction mission will auto-flag you for PvP. Unflagging yourself will automatically abandon the mission. Dying during your PvP mission will cause you to fail it and you’ll have to go back and take another.

19 Feb


Originally posted by CommanderAze

Full Resets after alpha and beta. I would assume full wipe of all progress each time.


15 Feb


Originally posted by ZunJ

Dat say beta sin up , but its for the alpha??

14 Feb


It's a randomized drawing. Pre-ordering the game doesn't give you a leg up. Pre-ordering does however get you guaranteed access to Closed Beta.

17 Jan