almost 6 years
ago -
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A new patch is now available for notmycar Early Access! It includes a new match flow that aims to improve the matchmaking experience, our first major balance pass on some abilities, and other general balance changes, fixes, and optimizations. Full patch notes below:
Release Build 4.0.8448b Live
Game Updated Match Flow
Balance & Tuning Vehicle
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports! You can send in feedback and reports directly to the developers in our official Discord[].
Previous patch notes can be found here:
Release Build 4.0.8448b Live
Game Updated Match Flow
- Significantly reduce the amount of time is takes for a match to start
- Allow players to drive during the lobby time
- Match starts immediately when all players are done travelling
- Fixed Squads team balancer not creating teams of 3
- Fixed some items on vehicle corpses causing spectate to break
Balance & Tuning Vehicle
- Increased torque in the lower rpms
- Increased steering curve for all vehicle types
- Double the maximum load scale on the tires
- Double the boost acceleration
- Slightly decreased fire rate
- Slightly decreased reload speed
- Increased damage on low tiers
- Slightly reduced magazine size
- Slightly reduced fire rate
- Slightly reduced damage
- Slightly decreased magazine size of higher tiers
- Slightly increased magazine size of lower tiers
- Slightly decreased fire rate
- Slightly increased reload speed
- Increased damage of lower tiers
- Slightly reduced magazine size
- Reduced active time from 15s to 10s
- Reduced hit points of shield by 40%
- Increased active time from 8s to 10s
- Reduced active time from 13s to 10s
- Repair now takes slightly longer per item
- Shooting while using a repair consumable will now cancel the process
- Shifted large tier items to appear more frequently in indoor environments and less in outdoor environments
- Removed some grass types
- Remove stadium and island from the main island
- Fixed several floating objects in world
- Fixed several loot objects inside of walls
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
- Barrier ability doesn't use the correct placement orientation when in Free Aim mode
- Players that disconnect during the match will leave their weapon behind in a non-functional state
- Playing on WiFi with a mechanical hard drive (non-SSD) on a lower end machine may cause performance issues
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports! You can send in feedback and reports directly to the developers in our official Discord[].
Previous patch notes can be found here: