almost 6 years
ago -
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Release Build 3.3.8199b Live
Training Mode
Balance & Tuning Gatling Gun
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports!
- Added the ability to rebind action keys
- Removed the 60FPS cap by default
- Reduced input latency on projectile weapons
- Optimized match loading times
- Fixed multiple account/profile issues
- Fixed a crash with dropping items from your inventory
- Reduced the jitter in the drop plane at the start of the match
- Torch will now display the correct colors that you choose for the flames to other players inside the match
Training Mode
- Added the Burst Rifle, Railgun and Emp Blast to the training mode
Balance & Tuning Gatling Gun
- Decreased magazine size
- Added Epic (purple) tier as a potential drop
- Added ability to scope
- Added Epic (purple) tier as a potential drop
- Increased max damage while charged
- Increased amount of time it takes to reach max charge
- Lowered impulse amount when getting hit by a grenade explosion
- Decreased magazine size
- Decreased fire rate
- Lowered impulse amount when getting hit by a rocket explosion
- Decreased magazine size
- Decreased damage
- Decreased explosion radius
- Increased reload time
- Increased impulse amount when getting hit by a cannon explosion
- Disabled motion blur
- Optimization pass on vehicle and cosmetic textures
- Updated loading screen image
- Improved Audio Mix
- Added low pass filtering to explosions
- Removed engine shutdown sound when entering the drop plane at the start of a match
- Fixed an issue where the sound for opening a supply crate would play each time you approached it
- Fixed an issue where the zooming audio would play when you attempted to zoom past the min/max zoom level when scoped
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
- Local player will sometimes see 2 projectiles when firing at extreme angles
- Controller keybind buttons are displaying too large on the HUD
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports!