almost 6 years
ago -
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A new patch is now available for notmycar Early Access! This patch includes balance changes to several weapons and fixes for some lingering issues, along with general optimization. Full patch notes below:
Release Build 3.5.8324 Live
Balance & Tuning Burst Rifle
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports!
Release Build 3.5.8324 Live
- Fixed incorrect camera and weapon angles going in and out of Free Aim mode
- Implemented matchmaking refactor, part 1 of 3
- Resolved several issues with Spectating
- Fixed issue with players loading in late causing the match to not end properly
- Fixed issue with matchmaking ticket timeouts
- Further improved loading times going in to matches
Balance & Tuning Burst Rifle
- Decreased damage across all tiers
Fast trigger pull fire rates now match other weapons damage output closer
- Increased magazine size
- Increased base damage
- Decreased reload time
- Slightly increased rate of fire
- Increased projectile speed ~25%
- Slightly decreased damage
- Slightly decreased fire rate
- Slightly decreased damage
The following are known issues with this patch that we are aware of:
- Barrier ability doesn't use the correct placement orientation when in Free Aim mode
Thank you for continuing to provide your detailed feedback and bug reports!