almost 3 years
ago -
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You'll probably need to reset the unity playerpref resolution settings. Here are the locations for all platforms:
1. Click the start button.
2. Type 'regedit' without quotes.
3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Unknown Origin Games > Odd Realm
4. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Height, select delete
5. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Width, select delete
You should be able to open the game and it will pick the appropriate default window size for your monitor. If not, you might need to specify window size in the registry edit window to what you want, instead of deleting those entries. You might want to delete, 'Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode' too, as that might being minimizing the window.
You'll need to edit the keys in the plist:
You'll need to edit:
1. Click the start button.
2. Type 'regedit' without quotes.
3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Unknown Origin Games > Odd Realm
4. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Height, select delete
5. Right-click Screenmanager Resolution Width, select delete
You should be able to open the game and it will pick the appropriate default window size for your monitor. If not, you might need to specify window size in the registry edit window to what you want, instead of deleting those entries. You might want to delete, 'Screenmanager Is Fullscreen mode' too, as that might being minimizing the window.
You'll need to edit the keys in the plist:
You'll need to edit: