4 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Thanks so much for the feedback Kyram!

I haven't officially announced the beta (wanted to get some hotfixes in first and will write a post today) and that's why I haven't created the beta channel yet. Will make one later today. But thanks for biting the bullet and digging into the rough first couple versions of beta. Those are always the most unstable and I appreciate you going in regardless to help find issues.

Regarding that issue you saw where the build object appeared by the cursor, that is intentional. It's to show you a preview of what you're placing. If it's annoying to see this, I can add a toggle to the settings menu to hide that. Happy to add that if required.

As for water collection, yes, I'm still ironing out some bugs there. Though it is harder to collect water, entities should still drink from water sources, so water collection is more of a way to disperse water through the settlement and shouldn't limit survival. I'll be putting out a fix today for those item bugs with buckets.

You mentioned the settlers list and I just wanted to say, don't worry it's coming back. If you notice things missing in the UI in between this new version and the last, it's not because I've cut them, but because I'm still moving things from the old UI framework to the new. I just haven't been able to add that one yet.

There are a ton of things that still have to come into the beta, like the missing tooltips you mentioned. Those will slowly be added over the coming weeks, but I love to hear about any that you specifically would like to see, like the overworld map tooltips you pointed out. It helps a ton.

Thanks for the kind words and help finding bugs. As I said, I'll be posting a dev log today to talk about the beta and direction of the game, so stay tuned for that. It should clear up some confusion.

4 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Originally posted by EEvol: Same, love the game. I waited for the update for a year or two. Not leaving it. Just a bit frustrated due to the complexity of UI. It either needs simplification or full tutorial on each step of control.

I will be making a new tutorial for the game, but I am also in the process of cleaning up the UI to be less cluttered, and easier to understand. The initial 1.0 beta release was me throwing as much functionality in as I could, which resulted in a lot of overwhelming info/options. Hopefully each coming patch helps make things easier to understand. Though, by its nature, it is a complicated game, so the tutorial will have to do a lot of the heavy lifting I think.
4 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Originally posted by Valtam: First of all I would like to congratulate Waylon on their magnificent job as a solo developer. I've had this game in my library since 2021 or so and have thoroughly enjoyed it, waiting for more features to be in (but, in all honesty, I've never dug too deep, maybe this 1.0 beta will be my chance).

There are a couple bugs I've run into and wanted to make the most out of this thread by reporting them too:
Neither looms for humans nor summoning gates for ancients are being recognized by their respective rooms, so both races are left out without crucial survival features.

Also, I don't know if this is a bug or an intended feature, but I feel my humans' metabolism is way jacked up! They're drinking and having babies like there's no tomorrow, don't remember it being like this before. :espresso:

Thanks for the kind words and helpful bug reports.

Sorry about the issue with looms. A lot of the job system is new, so I have to go back and hook-up workstations for a lot of rooms and have missed a few. Will be going through this week to address all those.

As for metabolism and babies, I'll continue to tune as we go. haven't had much time until now to tune the game. I put out a patch yesterday which is supposed to limit offspring a tad. Have you tried it, and is that still a problem?
