over 4 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
The current beta ( is not backwards compatible with anything before. Sometimes the beta is backwards compatible, though. It really depends on the amount of core system re-writes that were involved. Unfortunately, involved large sweeping changes to the game's foundation and resulted in losing backwards compatibility. Apologies about that. I try to avoid losing backwards compatibility but it's not always realistic to do so.
over 3 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Those are just developer logs to show what's being worked on for the update which isn't out yet. The most recent version,, is on both the production and beta branches and will be what you're playing now.
over 2 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Originally posted by Silent Möbius: Is there any date set when the beta will release as stable?

No ETA, but it will be quite soon. I have to do one more update to make a new tutorial for all the changes. Once that's done, I'll move things to the stable branch. That *should* be in February.