over 2 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Thanks Kyrros! I haven't had a chance to read through this yet, but I'm sure there is some great feedback here. I'm going to read this in the morning. Cheers!
over 2 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Ok, I'm finally able to read your write-up!

100% agree with your points, and this is next up on my list of to-do's. I'm going to add exclusion options (blacklist) and priorities.

I think a nice middle ground is a job in addition to those individual jobs which can use any of those items to get going. i.e., a general "butcher" job.

It's funny you bring this one up because I was JUST thinking about it the other day and how weird it is to be in the Wood Mill, and that it should use the Misc Skill. I didn't make those changes because I was so close to shipping the beta out to live, but also, I'm not sure what room to put it into. Any ideas?

I agree here as well. I have plans to add a 'hunt/gather' room and I think cage baiting/capturing would fit into this nicely.

Unit Pathing
Hmmm. Could be a bug. I'll check it out. They should be moving down your paths. My math could also be incorrect for the heuristic. I'll do some tuning on it.

Thank you for writing this up, Kyrros! We are aligned on all these points. :)