about 4 hours
ago -
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Is this loading into a new game or an old save?
Would you be able to send me the Player.log and Player-Prev.log files? If there is an error occurring it will show up in these files.
You can find those files in this folder:
Location on Windows: C:\users\you\appdata\locallow\Unknown Origin Games\OddRealm
Location on Mac: ~Library/Application Support/com.Unknown-Origin-Games.OddRealm
Location on Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unknown Origin Games/OddRealm
You can also send me the save file that won't load and I can try and load it on my machine.
You can send the log and save files to [email protected]
Would you be able to send me the Player.log and Player-Prev.log files? If there is an error occurring it will show up in these files.
You can find those files in this folder:
Location on Windows: C:\users\you\appdata\locallow\Unknown Origin Games\OddRealm
Location on Mac: ~Library/Application Support/com.Unknown-Origin-Games.OddRealm
Location on Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unknown Origin Games/OddRealm
You can also send me the save file that won't load and I can try and load it on my machine.
You can send the log and save files to [email protected]