3 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Re-opening the saga overlay sometimes caused the list to jump all the way to the bottom and be partially off-screen.
[x] Lists would not load entries quickly enough. This would cause list items to appear slower than the user would scroll a list. This was especially obvious when scroll up a big list.
[x] Selections could start while over UI. This would make it so players could accidentally select things in the world while dragging a UI scroll bar.
[x] Entities would show themselves as family members in the entity tooltip.
[x] Skill and job priorities were not factoring correctly into the job priority system.
[x] Input was staying active in-between selection types. For example, switching to jobs from priority selection while dragging would keep the dragging active when return to the priority selection.
[x] Filling a wood bucket would not produce a filled wood bucket item.
[x] Lock overlay was not visible.
[x] Some props were missing the deconstruct flag to allow them to be deconstructed by a job.
[x] Blueprints that were not discovered yet could be seen in the room job lists.
[x] Jobs were not saving the resources they had stored.
[x] Leech Life for Ardyn wasn’t set to Auto be default.
[x] UI audio was missing from list entry clicks.
[x] Main Menu music would not stop playing after selecting a game to load.
[x] The load game list was staying open after selecting a game to load.
[x] The mouse cursor was incorrect when designating rooms and hovering over UI.
[x] Tools weren’t applying the skill buff to the job.

[x] When family members are clicked, they will be selected.
[x] Added a toggle to the settlers lists to show selected settlers.
[x] When settler entries are clicked in the settlers list, they are selected/deselected.
[x] Locked Gwdir and Tomek until they are fully implemented.
[x] Moved the harvest fruit and plant tree jobs to the arboretum. As well as populated missing arboretum jobs.
[x] Plants need watering less often.
[x] Changed default hotkeys for save and load. Save is now F5, and load is F9.
[x] Skill priorities are now based on profession instead of individual. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] An error occurred when switching between job and build menus.
[x] The overworld map would not open when the job menu was open.
[x] Newly discovered caves weren’t updating some of the texture transitions.
[x] Drinking from a bucket of water was not spawning the bucket afterwards.
[x] Tome of Agriculture was not showing up in the Library build options.
[x] Platforms were not displaying underneath plants in the tooltip.
[x] The resolution wasn’t being saved and loaded correctly.
[x] Fire pit could not be used to burn items to make coal.
[x] Saplings were not turning into mature trees.
[x] Entity faction was being set to captured when doing the harvest job. Idk how that got set that way. Sigh.

[x] Plants reproduce less often. This is to avoid the map becoming overgrown.
[x] Stock room jobs will now prioritize containers over open ground.
[x] More stock room jobs will auto-queue when workers are available.
[x] Moved glass bottle and pane to Basic research until other containers are added to make up for them being a later research unlock to make ink. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes[/h2]

[x] Entities were not joining uniform groups.
[x] Some entities were not re-assigning leadership roles after death.
[x] Equipping a fishing pole wasn’t letting entities fish at fishing jobs.
[x] Some fishing pools were missing their melee attacks.
[x] Entities weren’t becoming adults.
[x] Sometimes entities would not become pregnant after mating.
[x] Sometimes entities would get stuck in the Mating state.
[x] Errors that manifest as entities not doing jobs because there was an error under-the-hood for some other system:
[x] Entities trying to access a uniform they don’t have anymore.
[x] Entities trying to access a leader role.

[x] Families will now have a max amount of living children (3 for humans). If the children die and the parents are still alive, they will have more.
[x] Made build icons large by default.
[x] Added a general settings option to make build icons small. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Several bronze blueprints required tin/copper ingots instead of bronze, making it impossible to build them.
[x] Props weren’t keeping rotation which was shown on cursor preview.
[x] Could place platform blueprints inside blocks.
[x] Could not place platforms under certain props like doors.
[x] Props (hatches, doors, torches) were not rotating to blueprints.
[x] Fences were not blocking paths.
[x] Entities were not doing jobs like eat/drink because their inventories were full. This would be perceived as an entity starting a eat/drink job and then stopping over and over.

[x] Plants will die faster when submerged (if not a water-type plant).
[x] Fences no longer allow pathing over them.
[x] Tuned pathing so entities move in straighter paths. This solves an issue where entities would dip into doorways when moving past them.
[x] Tuned pathing to prefer pathways and avoid water/props/climbing over roofs (unless the path is much more efficient of course).
[x] Added a “fences” blueprint category.
[x] Added Wood Block and Wood Block Blueprint. This is unlocked in basics. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Ancients were ‘mating’.
[x] Loom was not being recognized as a prop to make linen and wool cloth.
[x] Anvil was not being recognized as a prop to make tools.
[x] Ladders and stairs had incorrect movement costs so would sometimes be avoided.
[x] Multiple sleep jobs were being created and persisting in rooms.
[x] Multiple jobs were stacking for a location already in use.
[x] Room job blueprints were not appearing over props.

[x] Added Wood Chest prop. Unlocked with Wood-Work.
[x] Added small vertical lift when climbing over objects like crates.
[x] Added small vertical movement when climbing to indicate direction.
[x] Tuned down plant fiber drops from plants.
[x] Ink and paper blueprints now require a workbench.
[x] Natural plants will spawn more often when it rains.
[x] Void Imps and Woken can now equip items to their hands. Will only affect newly spawned entities. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Wood chest required bronze instead of wood to build.
[x] Animals could do jobs, and enable professions/skills they weren’t supposed to.
[x] Stone boulders, wood trunks, and void stone nodes didn’t have the correct job permissions.
[x] Could quick-load a game while saving.
[x] Fish were not spawning their items upon death/catch.
[x] Children weren’t being tracked in entity families. This would cause entities to have as many children as they wanted.
[x] Blueprints were showing up over props.

[x] Timescale should now remain the same after a season change.
[x] Added profession change list to entity tooltip.
[x] Separated skills into their own list on entity tooltip.
[x] New entities will now be assigned profession to spread equally. So, professions with the fewest will be assigned first.
[x] Children that become adults will now pick a profession based on the default profession presets.
[x] Increased reproduction interval time from every 12h to every 48h.
[x] Room overlay will now appear under props.
[x] Tuned plant natural reproduction and spawn down. Patch Notes
[x] Small fix for a save/load issue some people encountered. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Entity inventories were showing item tags and items when they should only show item counts.
[x] Entities would stop eating/drinking/doing jobs after long play sessions.

[x] Added a settler “Overview” panel to select and view all settlers.
[x] Clicking the entity in the settler skills list now toggles all skills (on left click) or resets all skills (on middle click) instead of selecting the entity.
[x] Added some more new large icons for various props.
[x] V-Sync and Framerate options added back into the settings menu. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Stone trapdoor did not drop entity.
[x] Wood and stone gates did not have triggers set up to open/close
[x] Some unfinished/debug skills and professions were visible in certain windows.
[x] The audio scale was incorrect for audio settings resulting in 50% sounding completely muted.
[x] Rivers on the overworld map were not saving.
[x] Mid-late game bug that caused entities to stop doing jobs.
[x] Jobs getting stuck as in progress.
[x] Some lists got stuck/would not open.

[x] Cleaned up/added info to various tooltips.
[x] Void mines are now only triggered by hostile entities.
[x] Carpenter and Stone Mason are now one profession: Builder.
[x] Scholar, Alchemist, and Mage are now one profession: Mage.
[x] Shepherd and Farmer are now one profession: Farmer.
[x] Laborer and Forester are now one profession: Laborer.
[x] Props and items will fade out when the room selection is open. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Sand clod at the workshop would only require a wood workbench.
[x] Resolutions bugs related to not being able to switch between windowed and windowed borderless.
[x] Auto-save at midnight toggle wasn’t updating on click.
[x] Bins were not limiting item type to resources.
[x] Sable blueprints required craftwork instead of stonework.
[x] Wood plank platform was dropping wood log instead of wood plank on deconstruct.
[x] Entities were putting jobs on cooldown after bringing required items to them. This would appear to players as an entity starting a job by bringing items to it, but then waiting a couple in-game minutes before actually doing the job.

[x] Night is darker.
[x] Re-added hotkey/controls settings.
[x] Added ability to delete a save file.
[x] Increased item capacities for containers.
[x] Tuned how long entities will idle without moving. Constant moving was getting in the way of entities doing jobs. Patch Notes Saga Changes (Research Trees)
The research progression in Saga is no longer unlocked with tomes. Instead, each node requires a set amount of time to unlock. Tomes are still used in the process by reducing the amount of time it takes to unlock a node in the respective tree. Settler population also helps reduce research times for the racial trees. As well, players can dedicate settlers to "research" in the library to reduce times for all trees.
I've made this change because I want to avoid players being hard-blocked in their progression if they don't have the materials for tomes or a library.
Please let me know if you see any weird progression issues/bugs with this new change.

Bug Fixes
[x] Alt-overlay grid stayed on after toggling all overlays.
[x] Buckets and glass bottle filled with water were not dropping containers after use.
[x] Can select control group while command line open.
[x] Could place blueprints on blocks/platforms that already exist. i.e., Build dirt block on a dirt block.
[x] Default race research would not unlock when acquiring a new entity of a different race.
[x] Setting attribute max did not also set the current amount to match. This would result in entities looking like they had taken damage. Most notably this happened to the leaders from their HP buffs.

[x] Re-enabled some threats like bandit attacks.
[x] “Add to control group” hotkey is not assigned to Left-Alt instead of Left-Shift to not conflict with the search bar.
[x] Added missing water block blueprint.
[x] Added carried and equipped item counts to UI inventory elements.
[x] Tomes require less materials to construct.
[x] Farm plants will no longer die if in the wrong season.
[x] Naturally growing plants will die if in the wrong season, but, upon season change, will have a chance to be replaced by plants that grow in the new season.
[x] Added new sogweed bulb item which spawns from mature sogweed. It can be filled with water and ink.
[x] Added sogweed bulb with ink item.
[x] Added sogweed bulb with water item.
[x] Added wood bucket with ink item.
[x] Added glass bottle with ink item.
[x] Ink blueprint no longer requires container. Instead, will turn water item into ink variant.
[x] Follow targets (used for jobs requiring an entity) now move to adjacent horizontal blocks instead of any adjacent block.
[x] Collect water now requires the Carry skill instead of the Craftwork skill.
[x] The default occupant settings for the Wellhouse require Carry instead of Craftwork.
[x] Stoneleaf blueprints are now unlocked with Tailor research.
[x] Click+dragging the minimap no longer changes the z level, and simply moves the camera x and y coord.
[x] List entries will now highlight entire row when sub button is hovered over.
[x] Updated some more icons to have large variant.
[x] Updated stair visuals.
[x] Tuned heat to spread out more in rooms.
[x] Saga research has been changed to unlock research nodes over time instead of with items. Also moved some of the various nodes around. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Jobs were being set to ‘ready to start’ even though they could not be accessed.
[x] Some entity levels would jump to the max of 99 after one level-up.

[x] Lights now reveal blocks around them.
[x] Failed jobs now prioritize lower so entities don’t check them repeatedly.
[x] FX are no longer played for points above the camera to improve performance.
[x] Threats happen min 6 days into spring instead of 3.
[x] Grasses no longer die in winter.
[x] Added visual variants for containers to show empty, partially full, and full item capacities.
[x] Increased pregnancy duration to 7-9 days for Humans.
[x] Ranged fight is now enabled by default for Humanoids.
[x] Creating a new room will expand that room’s category in the rooms menu. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Some text didn’t align correctly or immediately in lists.
[x] Cloth backpack required wool in addition to linen when it should only require linen.
[x] Multiple-entity selection tooltip wasn’t reading input. Can now select/deselect entities from this tooltip.

[x] Re-enabled overhauled production window. This includes a ton of UI improvements to auto-jobs, especially the conditions feature.
[x] The “Saved” popup will now appear over all UI.
[x] New settlement starting stockpile establishes a rectangle of bounds around the containers instead of exactly at the container locations.
[x] Added a ‘Apply-To-All’ hotkey (left-control) which lets players edit groups of list entries. For example, you can hold ctrl to enable/disable all the permissions for a stockpile.
[x] Several food recipes now require meat instead of specific items. i.e., Beef burger, Vytrax burger, etc are now Meat Burger, and players can use any meat item to make.
[x] Fixed some kitchen blueprints which used Craftwork instead of Cooking.
[x] The boiling job now uses cauldrons instead of fires.
[x] The butcher job now requires a workbench.
[x] Tuned some food buffs/statues to vary items. i.e., stews give Warmed status.
[x] Added Drunk entity status which increases speed and energy regen, but lowers max hp.
[x] Cleaned up a bunch of tooltips.
[x] Added optional delay to location/entity tooltips. The default is 0ms, and can be changed in settings.
[x] Added tooltip delay in general settings. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- [x] Fish could not be caught.
- [x] Taiga winter wasn’t setting correct temprature.
- [x] Linux build had an error when trying to start a new settlement that blocked gameplay.
- [x] Entities would not start the collect item job.
- [x] Season transition was showing multiple season labels.

- [x] Fishing job now unlocked with basics research.
- [x] Grass no longer expires in winter.
- [x] Added some feedback to fishing to indicate lured fish.
- [x] Fishing no longer lures fish based on a random roll over the fishing skill. Instead, the closest fish to the fishing point is guaranteed to move towards it. The fish skill determines how much the fish moves. If the skill is 1/99, the fish will only move one block at a time (per fishing job completion). If the skill is 99, the fish will move the entire way to the fishing point. Fish are caught once the fish gets to the hook.
- [x] Fishing jobs now repeat until removed. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Fishing settlers wouldn’t stop fishing to eat/drink.
[x] Spellbooks at Arcane Study required bottle of ink instead of ink.
[x] Job effects (cracks on blocks while mining) weren’t updating.
[x] Entities wouldn’t stop doing a job after they no longer filled the requirements. i.e., continued to drink from a water block after drinking a water item, doing the job after its priority was set to 0, doing a job after the required skill was disabled.
[x] Capture and free and animal jobs required Craft-Work skill instead of Animals skill.
[x] Animals weren’t being lured to cages.
[x] Several move orders used by AI were not working. Used for things like idle entity movement and fleeing.
[x] Stone trap door was not dropping entity.
[x] Player controlled Ardyn could retroanimate NPCs.
[x] Newly built containers were not re-spawning/moving items that occupied that location and were not permitted by the container item restrictions.
[x] Iron Ore wasn’t spawning in terrain.
[x] Many Ardyn gameplay mechanics, rooms, and blueprints were not working. They should all be working now.
[x] Sheering did not work at all.

[x] Cleaned up some more tooltips, specifically for props with triggers.
[x] Added priority 4 for survival jobs.
[x] Cleaned up some animal behavior to stay in animal enclosures or rooms they are assigned to.
[x] Hunting grounds now uses Animals skill instead of Melee Fighting skill to assign room occupants.
[x] Butcher item now requires table instead of workbench.
[x] Added butcher animal job to animal enclosure.
[x] Roast no longer needs a burnable item because it is already using a fire.
[x] Mining (similar to lights) will now reveal an area around the job after completion.
[x] Added graze ability to animals (cows, sheep, other grazing type animals).
[x] Dirt cobble now provides the same move speed bonus as all other floors.
[x] Added reasons for dying to death notif.
[x] Added buffs to skill and attribute tooltip. This will show each individual buff and where they come from.
[x] Chickens can now lay eggs in the roost. Eggs will hatch into chicks after 1 day has passed.
[x] Some more tuning to efficiency of stocking rooms.
[x] Added plants category to build menu. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Chronoflux was not reducing on Chronoblast/Nyctoid when removed from room.
[x] Tooltips/lists had a slight delay when first appearing which caused a one-frame flash as the entries loaded.
[x] Couldn’t lock stone hatch.
[x] Palm and Pala trees weren’t generating.
[x] Saplings now turn into a tree with a minimum of 1 root, 1 trunk, 1 leaves block instead of just the 1 trunk block. This is if there is space of course.
[x] Auto-jobs would queue jobs when the materials were not available. Now, jobs will queue up to the amount which can actually be built with the available resources.
[x] Drinking skyberry wine would kill some entities.
[x] Fruit harvesting didn’t work.
[x] Entities could get stuck in trees and other obstructions.
[x] Pressing F during name input would change list positions (if visible).
[x] Branches weren’t being recognized as a tree block, so certain jobs couldn’t remove them.
[x] The audio toggle display wasn’t updating correctly.
[x] Some games would get stuck on load.

[x] Lowered backpack carry cap.
[x] Doors and other props will now snap to trees. This is so players can build houses using trees.
[x] Leaves/Branches can now be logged.
[x] Unlocked Gwdir as starting race. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Corrected a typo in the Nelescuro description that said, ”TThdir”, instead of, “T’Thdir”.
[x] Corrected a typo in Gwdir starting loadout description that said, “honor”, instead of, “honour”.
[x] Fixed an issue where T’Thdir trees dropped wood logs instead of T’Thdir logs.
[x] Fixed an issue where the Rose Crown could be unequipped.
[x] Fixed a graphical issue where the Nascien showed up as green.
[x] Fixed an issue where the Nascien wasn’t showing container states (empty/partially full/full).
[x] Fixed an issue where the Rose Crown buffed ??? instead of the Farming skill.
[x] Fixed an issue where leeching life from Astrasomes didn’t lower the Ardyn age.
[x] Fixed an issue where entities would die younger than they should.

[x] When clicking an entity equipment slot to open the Uniforms window, the entity’s first uniform will be selected.
[x] Changed Human elder age to start at 65 instead of 60. Patch Notes Bug Fixes
[x] Fixed an issue where hotkeys weren’t being saved when listening for hotkey input to rebind a command.
[x] Fixed an issue where settlers would bring item requirements to a job 1 at a time.
[x] Fixed an issue where settlers wouldn’t do jobs if they had carry disabled. Now, settlers will do the job if they can do an individual part of the job (carry items to it) or do the work for it (build a block). This means laborers can focus on carry item requirements to jobs, while the core worker can do the work and get the item requirements.
[x] Fixed an issue where room locations weren’t removed from rooms that no longer allowed a room. i.e., when a block was filled by a solid block.
[x] Fixed an issue where ‘f’ wasn’t focusing selected rooms or nations.
[x] Fixed an issue where Extract Wir job required Night's Tears.

[x] Added timer to saga button to indicate remaining time for active research.
[x] Ancient Aeternal Rejuvenation is now a priority 4 job.
[x] Settler Overlay hotkey is now ‘o’.
[x] Lock Overlay hotkey is now ‘l’.
[x] Saga Window is now called Research Window.
[x] Research Window (Saga) hotkey is now ‘h’.
[x] Control Group/Tracking hotkey is now ‘g’.
[x] Priority hotkey is now ‘tab’.
[x] Production Window hotkey is now ‘p’.
[x] Can now cancel search with ‘esc’.
[x] Hitting ‘f’ while overworld map is open, and nothing is selected will focus the camera on the player’s active settlement.
[x] Tuning pass on items to fix/balance buffs.
[x] Added UI to show kingdoms and parties on the overworld map.
[x] Added UI to let you create overworld map parties to send out migrants and settle new tiles.
3 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Originally posted by Sleipnir: Sorry I haven't been posting the patch notes on here. I'll start doing so going forward! Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Re-opening the saga overlay sometimes caused the list to jump all the way to the bottom and be partially off-screen.
[x] Lists would not load entries quickly enough. This would cause list items to appear slower than the user would scroll a list. This was especially obvious when scroll up a big list.
[x] Selections could start while over UI. This would make it so players could accidentally select things in the world while dragging a UI scroll bar.
[x] Entities would show themselves as family members in the entity tooltip.
[x] Skill and job priorities were not factoring correctly into the job priority system.
[x] Input was staying active in-between selection types. For example, switching to jobs from priority selection while dragging would keep the dragging active when return to the priority selection.
[x] Filling a wood bucket would not produce a filled wood bucket item.
[x] Lock overlay was not visible.
[x] Some props were missing the deconstruct flag to allow them to be deconstructed by a job.
[x] Blueprints that were not discovered yet could be seen in the room job lists.
[x] Jobs were not saving the resources they had stored.
[x] Leech Life for Ardyn wasn’t set to Auto be default.
[x] UI audio was missing from list entry clicks.
[x] Main Menu music would not stop playing after selecting a game to load.
[x] The load game list was staying open after selecting a game to load.
[x] The mouse cursor was incorrect when designating rooms and hovering over UI.
[x] Tools weren’t applying the skill buff to the job.

[x] When family members are clicked, they will be selected.
[x] Added a toggle to the settlers lists to show selected settlers.
[x] When settler entries are clicked in the settlers list, they are selected/deselected.
[x] Locked Gwdir and Tomek until they are fully implemented.
[x] Moved the harvest fruit and plant tree jobs to the arboretum. As well as populated missing arboretum jobs.
[x] Plants need watering less often.
[x] Changed default hotkeys for save and load. Save is now F5, and load is F9.
[x] Skill priorities are now based on profession instead of individual. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] An error occurred when switching between job and build menus.
[x] The overworld map would not open when the job menu was open.
[x] Newly discovered caves weren’t updating some of the texture transitions.
[x] Drinking from a bucket of water was not spawning the bucket afterwards.
[x] Tome of Agriculture was not showing up in the Library build options.
[x] Platforms were not displaying underneath plants in the tooltip.
[x] The resolution wasn’t being saved and loaded correctly.
[x] Fire pit could not be used to burn items to make coal.
[x] Saplings were not turning into mature trees.
[x] Entity faction was being set to captured when doing the harvest job. Idk how that got set that way. Sigh.

[x] Plants reproduce less often. This is to avoid the map becoming overgrown.
[x] Stock room jobs will now prioritize containers over open ground.
[x] More stock room jobs will auto-queue when workers are available.
[x] Moved glass bottle and pane to Basic research until other containers are added to make up for them being a later research unlock to make ink. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes[/h2]

[x] Entities were not joining uniform groups.
[x] Some entities were not re-assigning leadership roles after death.
[x] Equipping a fishing pole wasn’t letting entities fish at fishing jobs.
[x] Some fishing pools were missing their melee attacks.
[x] Entities weren’t becoming adults.
[x] Sometimes entities would not become pregnant after mating.
[x] Sometimes entities would get stuck in the Mating state.
[x] Errors that manifest as entities not doing jobs because there was an error under-the-hood for some other system:
[x] Entities trying to access a uniform they don’t have anymore.
[x] Entities trying to access a leader role.

[x] Families will now have a max amount of living children (3 for humans). If the children die and the parents are still alive, they will have more.
[x] Made build icons large by default.
[x] Added a general settings option to make build icons small. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Several bronze blueprints required tin/copper ingots instead of bronze, making it impossible to build them.
[x] Props weren’t keeping rotation which was shown on cursor preview.
[x] Could place platform blueprints inside blocks.
[x] Could not place platforms under certain props like doors.
[x] Props (hatches, doors, torches) were not rotating to blueprints.
[x] Fences were not blocking paths.
[x] Entities were not doing jobs like eat/drink because their inventories were full. This would be perceived as an entity starting a eat/drink job and then stopping over and over.

[x] Plants will die faster when submerged (if not a water-type plant).
[x] Fences no longer allow pathing over them.
[x] Tuned pathing so entities move in straighter paths. This solves an issue where entities would dip into doorways when moving past them.
[x] Tuned pathing to prefer pathways and avoid water/props/climbing over roofs (unless the path is much more efficient of course).
[x] Added a “fences” blueprint category.
[x] Added Wood Block and Wood Block Blueprint. This is unlocked in basics. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Ancients were ‘mating’.
[x] Loom was not being recognized as a prop to make linen and wool cloth.
[x] Anvil was not being recognized as a prop to make tools.
[x] Ladders and stairs had incorrect movement costs so would sometimes be avoided.
[x] Multiple sleep jobs were being created and persisting in rooms.
[x] Multiple jobs were stacking for a location already in use.
[x] Room job blueprints were not appearing over props.

[x] Added Wood Chest prop. Unlocked with Wood-Work.
[x] Added small vertical lift when climbing over objects like crates.
[x] Added small vertical movement when climbing to indicate direction.
[x] Tuned down plant fiber drops from plants.
[x] Ink and paper blueprints now require a workbench.
[x] Natural plants will spawn more often when it rains.
[x] Void Imps and Woken can now equip items to their hands. Will only affect newly spawned entities. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Wood chest required bronze instead of wood to build.
[x] Animals could do jobs, and enable professions/skills they weren’t supposed to.
[x] Stone boulders, wood trunks, and void stone nodes didn’t have the correct job permissions.
[x] Could quick-load a game while saving.
[x] Fish were not spawning their items upon death/catch.
[x] Children weren’t being tracked in entity families. This would cause entities to have as many children as they wanted.
[x] Blueprints were showing up over props.

[x] Timescale should now remain the same after a season change.
[x] Added profession change list to entity tooltip.
[x] Separated skills into their own list on entity tooltip.
[x] New entities will now be assigned profession to spread equally. So, professions with the fewest will be assigned first.
[x] Children that become adults will now pick a profession based on the default profession presets.
[x] Increased reproduction interval time from every 12h to every 48h.
[x] Room overlay will now appear under props.
[x] Tuned plant natural reproduction and spawn down. Patch Notes
[x] Small fix for a save/load issue some people encountered. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Entity inventories were showing item tags and items when they should only show item counts.
[x] Entities would stop eating/drinking/doing jobs after long play sessions.

[x] Added a settler “Overview” panel to select and view all settlers.
[x] Clicking the entity in the settler skills list now toggles all skills (on left click) or resets all skills (on middle click) instead of selecting the entity.
[x] Added some more new large icons for various props.
[x] V-Sync and Framerate options added back into the settings menu. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Stone trapdoor did not drop entity.
[x] Wood and stone gates did not have triggers set up to open/close
[x] Some unfinished/debug skills and professions were visible in certain windows.
[x] The audio scale was incorrect for audio settings resulting in 50% sounding completely muted.
[x] Rivers on the overworld map were not saving.
[x] Mid-late game bug that caused entities to stop doing jobs.
[x] Jobs getting stuck as in progress.
[x] Some lists got stuck/would not open.

[x] Cleaned up/added info to various tooltips.
[x] Void mines are now only triggered by hostile entities.
[x] Carpenter and Stone Mason are now one profession: Builder.
[x] Scholar, Alchemist, and Mage are now one profession: Mage.
[x] Shepherd and Farmer are now one profession: Farmer.
[x] Laborer and Forester are now one profession: Laborer.
[x] Props and items will fade out when the room selection is open. Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
[x] Sand clod at the workshop would only require a wood workbench.
[x] Resolutions bugs related to not being able to switch between windowed and windowed borderless.
[x] Auto-save at midnight toggle wasn’t updating on click.
[x] Bins were not limiting item type to resources.
[x] Sable blueprints required craftwork instead of stonework.
[x] Wood plank platform was dropping wood log instead of wood plank on deconstruct.
[x] Entities were putting jobs on cooldown after bringing required items to them. This would appear to players as an entity starting a job by bringing items to it, but then waiting a couple in-game minutes before actually doing the job.

[x] Night is darker.
[x] Re-added hotkey/controls settings.
[x] Added ability to delete a save file.
[x] Increased item capacities for containers.
[x] Tuned how long entities will idle without moving. Constant moving was getting in the way of entities doing jobs. [/quote]