about 1 month ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

I’ve been working hard on improving the user experience, especially with the UI. Lots of windows needed QoL work and missing features added. Just wanted to quickly take a moment to say I am working away on that.

The entity info and uniforms have seen a lot of work, but I’ve also improved a bunch of others based on feedback. The settler overview for example has been a pain point for many. Added sorting to that and cleaned up lots of the visual stuff.

I’m also filling out the research trees. I’ve separated each tree by tab now. This gives me a lot more research nodes to play with, but also keeps the window from being one big list.

Aside from UI QoL and features, I’ve been fixing tons of bugs and adding some content.

Hope to have this stuff in beta in a few weeks!

External link →
about 1 month ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

I’ve been working hard on improving the user experience, especially with the UI. Lots of windows needed QoL work and missing features added. Just wanted to quickly take a moment to say I am working away on that.

The entity info and uniforms have seen a lot of work, but I’ve also improved a bunch of others based on feedback. The settler overview for example has been a pain point for many. Added sorting to that and cleaned up lots of the visual stuff.

I’m also filling out the research trees. I’ve separated each tree by tab now. This gives me a lot more research nodes to play with, but also keeps the window from being one big list.

Aside from UI QoL and features, I’ve been fixing tons of bugs and adding some content.

Hope to have this stuff in beta in a few weeks!

External link →
about 1 month ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by LegoExpert07

Congratulations for your hard work on the game !

Thank you so much!

about 1 month ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by Acedrew89

This sounds like a great update both in terms of playability and access for new players, can't wait to see it!

Always a pleasure to see your comments. Thanks for being in the community. People like you keep me going