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So I know there's supposedly a room that help ya find more ancients but how do you unlock or make this room? I'm stuck and can't seem to figure it out. Plus I'm getting impatient strip mining. Help would be loved

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almost 6 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Hello! Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from vaca.

To make the Farsight Beacon, you'll need:

1 Void Cell - Requires 3 stone chunk, 1 void crystal

1 Void Stabilizer - Requires 1 iron ingot, 3 void shards

1 Seat - Requires 3 woods logs or 3 stone chunks

Once that's built, it will highlight (when game isn't paused) areas with void based objects with a purple/pink shimmer.

Hope that helps!

almost 6 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

Will it automatically get marked? Cause there isn't a room option for it so I thought it was something unlockable?

As long as you have an Ancient who owns that room, they will periodically (depending on if they are doing other things) go and activate the room. Activating the room will highlight these void based spots for a duration.

over 5 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

But I don't have an option to make it a room you get what I'm saying like I don't have a beacon room option. I've built it and it still won't give me the room designation

So you don't have this button in your rooms menu:


over 5 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

Correct it hasn't been there since ancients came out hence why I couldn't figure it out. I'm updated to most recent version and I've tried windowed and full screen so unless I'm just pullin a stupid it's not there

Can you send me your save file? That way I can see exactly what you're encountering.

Here's how to send me a save file if you're interested: https://steamcommunity.com/app/688060/discussions/0/1741106440033049878/

over 5 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by Smithers_bby

Correction thank you for the image I realized my mistakes. I was so stupid I didn't think you could minimize the rooms window. I'm so sorry for wasting your time and thank you for the help and a great game I hope to see it do great cause so far this game has impressed me very much and I'm very eager to see how it turns out. It has taken about 40 hours of my life so far and many more to come :))) again sorry for the waist of time and thank you for such a great game.

Hehe. All good! The UI can get cluttered on smaller resolutions, so it's understandable that it could be missed. Glad you are enjoying the game. :)