about 5 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Glad tidings to you and yours!

I've uploaded a new beta build. I'm really excited about this one because it has two huge changes which have haunted me for ages.

The first is a new font which, is not only easier to read, but is a higher resolution meaning it can support localization in the future. I'm still a ways out from any localization changes but with the old font localization was a never-going-to-happen situation. You will notice that your old font selection is no longer in effect. I had to remove all those older fonts because they don't all support localization and, I think, aren't that easy to read. I did, however, forget to remove the font selection from the settings because I'm silly. This will be gone in the next patch.

The second big change is how builds are made. I won't get into too many technical details because it's probably not that interesting but you should notice a significant performance increase for the game in general because of this change.

I've also added a new currency to the game which allows for micro-transactions. For $100 you get 10 ODD DUBLOONS. HA. I kid. I did add a new currency but this is used to buy/sell when trading with merchants. As I will be adding a merchant room in the future, I wanted to add this new currency in first. The old bartering system was clunky and a bit complicated.

The new currency has many names, depending on the race you are playing. Humans call it, 'Ren'. Ancients call it, 'Gibaren'. Tomek call it, 'Shinies'. Ardyn call it, 'Shin'. Gwdir call it, 'Tal' or 'Talos'. The coin is the main form of currency because of its unique quality that it can't be destroyed or altered. The coins are actually relics from the past, created by an unknown civilization. On the coin is the portrait of some creature that doesn't appear to exist any more and it reads, "Shin-Ghirinan (26000 F.E. - 4500 F.E.)". Maybe you'll come across someone in your travels that can tell you the history of the coin.

Ok, enough of my yammering. Here are the notes:

-Fixed a bug where names were being truncated in the permissions window.
-Fixed a bug where you could hover over the notification ui and get a tooltip when it was just barely off-screen.
-Laborers will now only level up carrying (excluding the level up to all skills from perks).
-Entities now only get xp for favored skills. This also fixes an issue where children could level up.
-Fixed a memory leak bug.
-Swapped out old font for new font that has a higher resolution, improving legibility and providing the ability to localize in the future.
-Fixed a bug where logs weren't being removed when cut down by a forester.
-Fixed popping cloud bug on the overworld map.
-Added ren/gibaren currency to the game.
-Added buff and output info to merchant overlay.
-Fixed a visual bug where proper price wasn't displayed in the merchant screen.
-Added 'add all' button to merchant item entries.
-Fixed a bug where stasis crystals weren't spawning an Ancient when looted.
-Fixed a bug where water wasn't being collected at the well.
-Fixed a crash which occurred after a game over.
-Fixed a bug where moving down into the ladder/stairs block wasn't providing a speed bonus.
-Added better error handling for when save files don't load.
-Made the SFX sliders bigger.
-Fixed a bug where you could place a floor blueprint inside a solid block.

This build is going to be the basis for the merge into production. So, please do let me know if you find any severe issues. For this next version I'll mostly focus on fixing those bugs and adding small things.

Thanks and have a great week!


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about 5 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Originally posted by k7755

Im really excited to actually be able to read text in this game! It used to take at least 3 tries stumbling over each dialog prompt!

Haha yep! That was the case for many xD