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I've been playing this game in my free time, and so far it's amazing! This is the kind of game I've wanted to play for a long time, and I hope it blows up like some of my previous hidden gems did, such as Kenshi.

I'd like to offer up and maybe start some discussion on some features I think would be good additions - thought doubtless some if not all have been raised somewhere else.

Most of these suggestions are to make the town feel a bit more living, so you feel at the helm of a lively community.

  1. Town Hall building - Here citizens could meet once or twice a season, and perhaps present the player with decisions, banish someone, accept a traveller, suggest a profession switch between characters, even decide what crops to plant in a room. These could have small consequences like stat bonuses etc - it could also provide you with a seasonal summary - Sad citizens because they lost a partner, child. This would be entirely optional by not building the town hall.

( i see this in trello, but i think the specifics i've added are good!)

  1. Community events - small things like harvest festivals or dances, any sort of social event. I think it would be important that these are spontaneous during non-productive hours (so not as to be frustrating) and just add a bit of life to the community. Again, these could be built around a central point so the player opts-in.

  2. Shared sleeping hours - it would be good if you could set the villagers to have designated day and night times. I think this would give the player a sort of 'canon friendly' way to pause and see how things went. Time would auto fast forward. It would also allow for more frivolous features such as in point 2. Being adjustable you could still have a nocturnal community.

And some QOL features:

  • Auto save does not overwrite main save for experimenting.

  • Some alternative border around the map, the black can feel ever so slightly claustrophobic when you aren't on an island. Even if it's just adjacent terrain with a different colour tone to signify its not available.

  • The ability to hide roof tiles (could get complicated with cave buildings).

Just my 2 cents, maybe others would feel it goes against the austere spirit of the game. Looking forward to more people finding this gem.

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over 4 years ago - /u/unknownorigingames - Direct link

Thanks for the suggestions! All these things are definitely on my to-do list. :)