almost 3 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Sounds like you have all this set up already, but just in case, here's what you need:
-At least one farmer with harvest and planting skill on.
-All the required props built.
-The Harvesting auto job on.
-At least one plant blueprint selected.
The farmer will plant in places there isn't already a plant. So, if there's grass, you'll need to wait for them to clear it out first before they will plant. Here's an example of my auto-queue settings:
0 (a) < 5 (b) -> 5 (c)
a = Current raw carrots
b = Threshold
c = Amount to queue
If the current raw carrots (a) drop below 5 (b), it will try to queue 5 (c) new plant carrot jobs.

You could also change the threshold type to active jobs in room, which tries to maintain a certain amount going all the time. So, if active jobs (a) drops below 5 (b) threshold, queue 5 (c) jobs.

I still have a LOT of work to do to polish up this experience, and I'd love to hear your suggestions, Kyrros.

As for commands, there are a ton:

Console Commands Wiki[]
The one you are looking for is:
"spawn -e [entityid] [professionid] [factionid]"
i.e., "spawn -e human warrior npc_neutral"

You open the console window with `

Hope that helps. Let me know.
