7 months ago - Sleipnir - Direct link
Thanks for the feedback AZ!

The tutorial is a work in progress and is only 20% complete. So, that's why it ends at a certain point. I'm going to continue expanding it. Your feedback is appreciated.

I was also thinking of adding some in game legend or manual. That would be a great addition.

As for Das' comment, I think a lot of people believe I intentionally left out a tutorial or assume players will just get the game. And, that's not the case. It simply came down to running out of time. As a solo dev funding your own game, you do the best with the time you have and hope things work out. Sometimes you just can't make it work. And that's ok. I'll keep working on it and hopefully you get to play it when it has a better tutorial and the experience has improved.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to write these notes on the tutorial.