about 5 years ago - Sleipnir - Direct link

Up until now, we've been focusing on getting the most important features into the game over content. As a result, we've barely scratched the surface with implementing planned content. We are in early access after all.

Here are *some* things we have planned:
-More overworld map interaction. i.e., raiding, scouting, sending merchants, etc.
-More rooms. The merchant room is one example. Merchants that arrive would show up and camp out here, giving you the option to open trade at any time.
-Lore. Way more lore. There's a story that has yet to be revealed beyond some of the racial descriptions. We plan on having books, items with inscriptions, places of interest, important characters, etc. Lots planned here.
-End game goals. This one isn't set in stone, but we do want to give players an objective to 'win' which would be optional. Some ideas people in the community have come up with include building a portal to somewhere. Seems fun.
-More content in general. Items, props, blocks, devices (traps, drawbridges, etc).

I suggest joining our discord. That's the main place where we talk about plans for the game.


Have a nice day.