over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey everyone,

Today's live stream (at 17:00 GMT) is going to be pretty cool. :)

  1. There will be a rare Mod Other appearance. Mod Other worked on the 10th Birthday Event (next week's game update) - it would be great to say hello if you can and make them feel welcome!
  2. The epic Mod Goblin will be answering questions about Desert Treasure 2. So we're looking for questions specifically for him to answer!
  3. Mod Roq is also going to be on today's stream. Mod Roq works as an Upload Manager and so he has lots of insight into upcoming Polls and what goes into game updates.

Got questions? Ask away! I noticed you guys have a lot of questions about the way we handle player suggestions so Mod Roq is more than happy to explain a bit more if you have specific questions

Join us on our twitch channel later today :)

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