Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker


24 Jul

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It’s been a little while since we last checked in on our official client team’s progress, so today to give you an update!
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We have some updates to our latest big releases!

19 Jul


EDIT: Hotfix should be live for this issue

We're prepping a hotfix for this which should effectively let people just warp from one side of the doors to the other, needs testing but hoping to have it deployed ASAP


Log in to w345, reset your progress at Nigel in Lumbridge Graveyard, log in to Armageddon, get gaming


Originally posted by Barbaric_Emu

reports of a craws bow in game already..

With drop rate multipliers and people just rushing revs this isn't outside the realms of possibility by any stretch!


Team have been digging into this but we're struggling to see those offers being 'real', could you perhaps drop me your RSN and the exact quantity of Pure Essence you bought so that I can pass it along?


You can trade Nigel in the maingame at Lumbridge Graveyard to check out the point costs of everything on offer!


Originally posted by Stone-J

Sent! Thank you

Received! Will ask the team to take a look


Any chance you could drop me your RSN? And double-check whether or not you're in world 345 or one of the Armageddon worlds?


Yes, you can just log right in!


Looks like space in 538, 541, 542, 543, 550, 551, 556, 557, 562 - try using the in-game world switcher if you're struggling via RuneLite


Originally posted by Anachren

I've only seen Jagex talk about the crashing on mobile. Are you guys aware that some people are crashing when world hopping on the official client too? (e.g. Steam)

Yeah, I've had a couple of replies on Reddit re. the desktop clients. I did forward that on to the team so i'd hope the fix will also resolve the desktop issue. The mobile playerbase on the official client is a lot bigger, so it's much more likely I hear about it. Appreciate you reaching out to let me know

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Get ready for Deadman: Armageddon!

18 Jul


Originally posted by Leaps29


Can we get an update on Cerberus red x? Thank you.

Was unintentionally removed with an Engine update and requires an Engine update to resolve, it should be fixed in the next scheduled Engine update which I believe is two weeks away.


Originally posted by johnothetree

just a small note, the 27th is Saturday, not Friday!

Thank you very much, it's been one hell of a week...


Originally posted by hirmuolio

Note: our line-in-the-sand here is Skilling inventory space savers. So don't go asking for the likes of an off-hand Dragon Scimitar, you've got RuneScape for that!

This does not rule out main hand dragon defenders though.

You've got me on a technicality there, but it absolutely does. Maybe try the Dual Sai and put a little red filter on your monitor where your character is?


Hey all!

Just a quick heads-up to say that I'm likely not going to be able to stick around and reply to as many comments as usual, have got a lot to get done ahead of DMM: Armageddon (which is tomorrow!!) and we've got a Q&A coming up in a little over an hour.

That said, wanted to take a moment to thank you all again for your feedback and draw special attention to the survey included - we'd really love to hear from you about how to proceed, we've got loads of cool stuff written up for other minigames but aren't dead-set on the best path forwards for delivering on them in the context of this poll.

This poll should open on Monday, July 22nd and run until Friday, July 26th - we've added a couple more questions in for things that we think we can do without setting ourselves back or delaying a future poll, so make sure to take a look. If anything appears mismatched between the blog update and the original blog copy then please let me know - have aimed to...

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