about 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Hi all. I want to pre-empt some of the questions I expect you'll have. I'll answer any questions that emerge too!

Why are you doing this?

We want to put you at ease. Following the initial statement, there was lots of ambiguity, and players were worried about being banned without knowing why. We don't want to unfairly punish anybody by adding artificial difficulty, but we also need to protect the game's integrity.

Are you just fear-mongering?

Quite the opposite! We appreciate that the first blog raised more questions than it answered, and that's why we want to offer as much clarity as possible.

Why don't you build a new client/improve your existing client/partner with 'x' client?

We are still investigating a number of potential - really exciting - routes, including some of your suggestions. Whatever we decide to do will be some way off of release. In the meantime we have to make sure that we return to a healthy status quo.

How have you created this list?

We worked with some client developers, and we gave other client developers advanced notice, trusting that these conversations will result in the prohibited features being removed from the clients.

Can you even detect 'x' feature?

There are some features that we can't detect right now, but work is underway on improving our detection capabilities. That's why we're telling you as early as possible.

That's it for now, ask more questions! We have today's Q&A in which I'll cover this statement too. We're going to continue working with you and client developers to make sure we do the right things for Old School.