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So ive taken a several month break from osrs as we all do... I went to log in to my account yesterday and it says ive been locked out due to suspiscious activity, I can only assume ive been hacked while I was gone. I tried to take the steps to do the account recovery but when I type in my email i had associated with the account the emails do not show up anywhere. I tried to make a second recovery with another email and the email came through. The problem is when i used another email to attempt the recovery/appeal it says I have already made an appeal and that appeals from anyone other than the account owner is a crime etc... So my appeal has been denied. Can anyone direct me on what steps to take next? Ive had this account for around 19 years and dont want to lose it. Ive tried linking it to a jagex account but since the account is locked it will not let me link the username to a jagex account.

Hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

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12 months ago - /u/Jagex_Melora - Direct link

Hey u/Tswatz,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the account recovery process.

Just so I've understood this correctly, you started the appeal process from email X (an email associated with the account) but did not receive an update to that appeal.

You then submitted an appeal from email Y (an email that is not associated with the account) and received an update, but that appeal was denied?

If this is the case there are a few things we can recommend, depending on the precise issue.

A) The issue is you're not receiving emails to email A. If this is the case; the most common reason for players not receiving emails is because they are either identified as spam, or they are being filtered from your inbox.

If you follow this guide to receiving emails, this should help you with the steps to get this solved for most cases. Please also make sure you're checking the right email account.

Some educational or company emails tend to have strict spam filters in place that can prevent Jagex emails from reaching you. In these instances, it is advisable that you contact the relevant department to query your email settings.

The primary workaround for not receiving emails is to apply a new registered email, which follows the same process as unlocking an account, so we don't want to send you in a loop! Which leads us to...

B) submitting a claim from a different email should not constitute a brick wall when it comes to recovering your account, if your appeal was denied it is likely because of insufficient evidence that you are the creator of the account.

We have some advice available here that will help with completing the recovery form.

You should never divulge your passwords or sensitive information if you're contacting Jagex via ticket or email. These should only be known by the account owner and not shared with anyone else, even us!

If you're getting denied it's because the information you're providing isn't enough for us to confidently identify you as the creator of the account. We have stringent requirements for recovering accounts, but I understand it's really frustrating to get appeals denied.

If you're still having issues after following the above, could you please reach out to the team using the form on the bottom of this page so we can see what we can do to help.

Hopefully this helps!