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It's crazy that they had so long to test and fix these issues before the hit main game. Also people were actively mislead about certain rewards. There's so many bugs but there's some intended things that Jagex was dishonest about also.

- Virtus pieces are not giving states when equipped with orn kit. This is such an easy thing to test it's ridiculous it's like Jagex didn't even care.

- Spirit Tree in PoH can't be rotated

- Venator bow ornament kit didn't get it's special projectile animations, Jagex never told anyone this until people bought it today and asked why it didn't. This was the stand out factor for this reward.

- Construction overrides are irrevertable.

- PoH Nexus override can't be placed without 92 con despite it suppsoedly working on lower level nexus.

This is really disappointing considering Jagex not only had ample time before this Leagues release to test these things, but also the time between leagues starting and now.

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about 2 months ago - /u/JagexRice - Direct link

I really did work hard on this update. I re-factored the entirety of Poh build code over the Christmas period to make it possible for people to have individually customisable furniture (Up until now PoH ornament kits applied to every piece of furniture of that type) and we hardcore tested it to make sure it wasn't broken. I honestly felt like we'd smashed it when the only thing that broke was the spirit tree being rotated 180 degrees! The armour sets and the level requirements were a silly oversight, and I can only apologise. We're always looking to do better!

about 2 months ago - /u/JagexRice - Direct link

Originally posted by shearsy13

Great response. Genuine question will there be any hotfixing to the current items that didnt meet up to the expectations like the Venator bow animations.

Appreciate the dedication for this project.

Thanks :) I can't speak to the specifics of each item because some things fall out of my remit, but we've outlined a bunch of stuff we'll be fixing on the blog and that list might expand as people get back to us on when they have capacity to fix things. A couple of the artists were super psyched about the Venator Bow shooting faces so it'll be discussed soon.

about 2 months ago - /u/JagexRice - Direct link

Originally posted by GoblinSexHaver69

Firstly I just want to say, I hope that my post didn't come off as disrespectful. I know game development isn't easy, it's just frustrating when every update has bugs associated with it. There's a trend with Jagex where updates are extremely inconsistent.

Thank you for all the work you've done and put into the update. I hope you have a great rest of your week Rice. :)

Not at all dude :) I was just trying to address some of the comments' disappointment in the level of effort that went into the update. We for sure messed up! But we really did work hard on it.