about 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Melodic_Warthog_3450

Maybe I’m missing something, but in the comments about the Glaive it mentions it feeling weak because it can hit and still roll a 0. As part of project rebalance, isn’t the minimum hit on a successful attack increasing from 0 to 1? So this shouldn’t matter? Would be good if a jmod could clarify.

Currently off sick but will jump on this super quick because I had the same thought when drafting this blog (which Sarnie very kindly took over and provided the audio read for <3). To be brief: the Glaive is coming to Old School when Varlamore drops, and we know roughly when that is. We don't know when we'll 100% get to implementing Project Rebalance bits and pieces, and we're not 'guaranteed no take-backs never changing our minds' committed to any single part of Project Rebalance if it doesn't pan out favourably with players when getting hands-on etc., so this safeguards the Glaive in either outcome, makes using its Special Attack a little better (bigger number feels better), and makes its regular attack slightly less terrible without shifting its core away.

Would say that the 'reduced chance of hitting 0s' is probably the least significant bit here because the odds were already pretty low on it anyway, but still something worth mentioning!

about 1 year ago - - Direct link
Let's take a look at some changes we'd like to make to exisiting rewards you'll see with Varlamore: Part One.